Horrible weed

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rainrain1, Oct 4, 10:53am
What is this please, it is really bad through my garden the last few years.
It seems to have seeds on the end of those spikey leaves which pop for miles when you touch the plant.
https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/photoserver/full/653812278.jpg https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/photoserver/full/653811994.jpg

nzoomed, Oct 4, 11:40am
never seen one myself

majoba, Oct 4, 3:09pm
What I consider to be the worst weed in the world. It is called Hairy Bitter Cress. I hate it with a passion and it seems that once it invades you have it forever because of that diabolical exploding seed head. It is introduces to many gardens via seedling punnets from most nurserymen.

koru67, Oct 4, 3:52pm
I could provide you with some .

nzoomed, Oct 4, 6:14pm
Well ive just learned its edible!
Not all bad.

I googled it and yes i have seen it after seeing more photos, in fact its flowers look very similar to salad rocket.

deraz, Oct 4, 6:22pm
It looks like a friendly weed. It's a type of land watercress that grows in damp places. If you raise your flower beds above the lawn level it will not grow very well. It needs a soggy base.
I hope some of the weeds they have here in Australia NEVER get to New Zealand. They are vicious.

rainrain1, Oct 4, 6:22pm
That sounds spot on. I hate it with a passion too, it grows every dam where all over the garden, I reckon the seeds are still alive even once sprayed to kill.

rainrain1, Oct 4, 6:23pm
It looks friendly? Hope you are friendlier than this weed is

rainrain1, Oct 4, 6:25pm
I don't think you've ever had a problem with it bud.

gilligee, Oct 4, 6:34pm
It has a long long tap root.

rainrain1, Oct 4, 6:42pm
Oh no, it's very easy to pull

deraz, Oct 4, 6:48pm
I am very friendly. haha. Since living in Australia I will never complain about NZ spiders and bugs again. The only plant in NZ any where near dangerous is Ongaonga weed. You get lots of plants like that here. If you touch certain plants they make your skin itchy or some animal or insect can fall down and bite you.
In some states if you walk in long grass they have these ticks that will jump on you and burrow into your skin. While they suck your blood they excrete a saliva that makes you ill. A lot of cats and dogs die from these in Queensland.
Gardening is a dangerous pass time if you don't watch out.
Mind you. everything grows a lot quicker in NZ. Weeds included. Happy gardening in a danger free environment.

rainrain1, Oct 4, 7:17pm
Wouldn't want it any other way :-)))

articferrit, Oct 4, 7:32pm
I dont know what its 'proper' name is but its called' yesterday, today and tomorrow" if you didnt pull it out yesterday, you will have it today and it seeds tomorrow, but its nice about it and throws the seeds around for you if you dont pull it out today.

bill1451, Oct 4, 7:53pm
far worse weeds than that, try "convolvulous" strangles everthing, hemlock is another, spray it and it apparently gets sweeter and stock will eat it and die,
Hydracotyl gets in your lawn takes over. African daisy another invasive plant.

gilligee, Oct 4, 8:09pm
Yes, I know but even the smallest seedling has a long central root so it is a real survivor.

annies3, Oct 4, 8:17pm
rainrain I have to agree with you its a horrible weed which we got here with some decorative gravel we were given, that among lots of other weeds I wish we had never seen that gravel.
There is a brown low growing clover like creeper weed which came at the same time, its harder to pull out but doesn't toss its seeds everywhere, it has a yellow flower.

wind.turbine, Oct 4, 8:50pm
That is the case a lot of the time.
Gorse is the same where the chemical will kill the plant but once the seeds are ready to pop its too late nothing will stop them popping everywhere and then add another 5 years to the seed bank in the ground!

rose-murray, Oct 5, 9:29am
Unfortunately my garden is infested with convulvulous, Ivy, periwinkle, the one in OP, hemlock. I could go on. I am unable to garden any more and spraying the weeds does nothing. I think it makes them stronger.

trade4us2, Oct 5, 10:47am
I have had convulvulous and Ivy, and got rid of it by spraying with Glyphosate several times.

wine-o-clock, Oct 5, 11:34am
how does one get rid of the purple clover weed please?

gilligee, Oct 7, 11:13am
I presume the plant you are discussing does not have clover like flowers.
We have one as well that is green leaved, slighty larger leaves and flowers. They are Oxalis but do not have bulbs. I usually pull out, or when in the lawn use Turfix which kills everything except grass.

wine-o-clock, Oct 7, 9:30pm
i'm pretty sure it has wee yellow flowers. the weed pops up inbetween hard to get to plants

dibble35, Oct 8, 6:28am
Is it purple creeping wood sorrell? If so reasonably easy to pull out if you're patient. Now onion weed is a 'horrible weed' managed to get rid of wandering Jew but I cant get rid of onion weed!

wine-o-clock, Oct 8, 7:43am