I have a small garden at the back of my house. nice and sunny which i have turned into a vege garden. Ive improved the soil and its looking pretty good except for the onion weed which pops up all the time. I've been hoeing it down as deep as I can go as soon as it pops up. Ive been doing this all winter while the garden was bare in the hopes that it would weaken and eventually die but now that springs here it seems as bad as ever. Id prefer not to use any really nasty herbicides as it is my vege garden but i fear i may have to. Any suggestions gratefully received, TIA
Sep 16, 2:42pm
Keep going as you are or findout why they call it onion weed. You can eat it.
Sep 16, 4:38pm
Eat it! Great in omelettes. To weaken the plant, keep taking the the tops off and compost it. Do not let it flower or set seed. If you find the bulbs, remove them, bag and dispose in the rubbish bin. They will sprout from both seed and bulbs. Like oxalis, you have to do this for a few seasons.
Sep 16, 4:43pm
bluefrog2 wrote: Eat it! Great in omelettes. To weaken the plant, keep taking the the tops off and compost it. Do not let it flower or set seed. If you find the bulbs, remove them, bag and dispose in the rubbish bin. They will sprout from both seed and bulbs. Like oxalis, you have to do this for a few seasons.[/qu
I agree. I use the whole plant as you would spring onions. I did read somewhere that the bulbs when pickled are the same as those little pearl onions. Haven't tried it though.
Sep 16, 6:30pm
I think it was called 'poor man's leeks'?
Sep 17, 1:06am
Ok, thanks for suggestions,i'll keep chopping it off as I see it popping up, going to be filling the vege garden up soon so will be a bit more difficult to hoe. but now that I know i can eat them, i'll use instead of spring onions, thanks
Sep 17, 1:17am
It has a bulb doesn't it? You will need to dig out the bulbs, not hoe them down
Sep 17, 3:00am
And freeze it chopped up , no need to blanche, for winter soups and stews
Sep 17, 1:14pm
Theyre to deep,and I dont have time (and dont want to lol) to spend digging them out. The whole point of hoeing them down is they slowly starve as they cant photosynthesize. But sounds like it might take awhile
Sep 17, 2:26pm
Good luck with that method then :)
Sep 17, 2:55pm
Shift house I had it in a garden years ago and sod of a thing to be rid of. Terrible stuff.
Sep 17, 5:46pm
Wild garlic. when big enough to handle. gently tug/pull until it comes out. not too rough or it will break off. cleaned up a whole garden this way. got to get that bulb out. don't let flower or it will set more seed.
Sep 27, 3:00pm
I love them, just carefully pull out and eat.
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