Can anyone tell me what this weed is please?

clandestine, Sep 4, 7:25pm
I take it to be a weed, it sure has the personality of one! Stubborn deep routing, tubal (if you can actually get to the bottom without it snapping first), heart shaped leaves with really weird almost alien looking flower. Puts me in mind of convolvulus but have not been able to find a similar flower on Google search. I eagerly await your reply. Thank you.

koru67, Sep 4, 8:24pm
It looks like a Arisarum proboscideum , sometimes called mouse plant or mouse tail plant.
(google gave me the name, I just thought it looked like the mouse tail plant I had seen references to before)

note one listed on TM recently with a different spelling Arisarum probosciduim

beebb3, Sep 4, 8:42pm
Yes is a mouse plant, have one in my garden and its planted in a shady spot, and lots of leaves now, was dormant over winter, totally disappears, so must mark where mine is lol. Just the dearest little mouse flower. Cherish it.

bluefrog2, Sep 4, 8:47pm
Mouse plant. It's a garden ornamental, not a weed. Pick the flowers and arrange in a jar so they look like lots of little mice drinking, and all the neighbourhood kids (and their parents) will be completely fascinated. I lost mine when the garden was landscaped - forgot to save the roots.

junie2, Sep 5, 12:12am
I learned just yesterday that it comes under the "alpine" umbrella, and is regarded as a bit special here in Chch.

clandestine, Sep 5, 1:08am
Thank you for your help all. I personally dislike the thing, it is far to invasive for my liking but nigh on impossible to get rid off. I take a little comfort in the fact that it is a plant and not a weed. don't know why, after all if you don't like it and can't be rid of it then surely they are the same!

mybooks, Sep 6, 3:16am
I bought some on Trademe several years ago - it's made a lovely clump around the base of a nectarine tree, works as a mulch too as it keeps the sun off the ground around the tree.

mybooks, Sep 6, 3:17am
Maybe bluefrog2 would like some - from their post above?

rav413, Sep 6, 6:44am
I think it looks horrible too. Just taste really. My great ground cover is ajuga. I love it.

clandestine, Oct 7, 9:50pm
Mine too!