Agapanthus and weed spray

differentthings, Jul 27, 7:37pm
Have a bank full of Agapanthus and there is lots of weeds growing between them. if I spray weed killer over everything will it harm them as I want to keep the Agapanthus or should I try and pull out the weeds. thx.

golfdiver, Jul 27, 7:42pm
We had a large bank with agapanthus. We always used roundup in there and never had a problem.

maclad, Jul 27, 10:53pm
I always spray right over "aggies" with glyphosphate and have never had a problem

differentthings, Jul 28, 12:02am
C00L. That is going to make it real easy to maintain that bit then. Thanks for your help.

fantail8, Jul 30, 3:23am
Just make sure that you DON"T add surfactant or "wetting agent", because when that is added to roundup it kills young ones (older might have coped I don't know as hubby never gave them a chance to get that big)

maclad, Nov 8, 6:48pm
Roundup already has surfactant added, glyphosphate does not.