Flower & weed I.D ?

comadi, Mar 24, 12:24am

ruby2shoes, Mar 24, 12:26am
the pink plant is naked lady. The other is I think sorrel.

oh_hunnihunni, Mar 24, 12:59am
Spot on. There's a scented white form of the belladonna, if anyone has it I'd love a bulb when the time is right. I last had it in a Blenheim garden (along with a lot of other treasures) and would love to find it again.

You can eat the sorrel.

samanya, Mar 24, 1:13am
I'd agree on the naked lady but could the other be 'miner's lettuce'?
Had a closer look & it's probably sorrel.

les6, Mar 24, 2:57am
we have that here and it pops up every year,was out recently and has seed pods on it just forming?I could dig up a bulb for you when its time but there is a pink one next to it,i might get the wrong one?

oh_hunnihunni, Mar 24, 3:05am
If you could get me one of the pods I'd be rapt - as it ripens perhaps set up an auction for me and give me a heads up. Set a price that makes it worth your while, I'm happy to try it from seed. Otherwise I suggest painting the top of the right bulb now with a wee bit of nail polish, lol. Useful stuff in the garden! You'll make my day if its the same variety, heavenly scent.

summersunnz, Mar 24, 4:43am
and. heaven sent?

comadi, Mar 24, 4:51pm
Raw or cooked ?
It doesn't look over appealing :-/

bluefrog2, Mar 24, 7:59pm
You can eat sorrel, only in that it's not poisonous. It's sour as heck. I feed it to the chickens. If you want to try, sample the baby leaves, or add a bit to a stew or soup that can do with a slightly sour flavour.
I think there are sorrel soup recipes online.

rainrain1, Mar 24, 9:04pm
Get rid of the sorrel, It's sheeps sorrel, and absolute disaster to have in your flower or vegetable garden, you need to try and get all the roots out, as it grows very easily from a tiny piece, and you will kick yourself if you leave it there. Maybe you can eat it, but not worth the trouble. the sorrel eating lovers will jump down my throat, but there are other types of sorrel if you must grow it to eat. You have been warned!

oh_hunnihunni, Mar 26, 12:06am
Add the young leaves to anything you'd add herbs or greens to - as already stated. It's just another wild food many ignore.

Like nettles!

chriisyr28, Mar 28, 11:03pm
Just read this thread. I have the white scented lily in my garden - rural South Auckland. Not sure of the rules but you're welcome to a bulb or two oh_hunnihunni. It's flowering at the moment so guess will have to wait till it dies down.

chriisyr28, Apr 2, 3:20am
bumping for oh-hunnihunni

pogram0, Feb 14, 11:41am
I also have that green one growing in my lawn. I'm just going out to attack it with some Roundup - I have had a 5-6 year battle with it. It is growing in the neighbour's place (they obviously do not like gardening) and because it spreads via tendrils under the soil it pops up through the lawn and it is difficult to control.