Help ID this Plant Please. Corpse Flower?

cky, Nov 2, 11:38am
I found this growing wild on my property, not sure what it is.
Looks similar to a corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanium).
Any ideas?

ro42, Nov 2, 11:51am
Amorphophallus konjac (Devil's tongue)? How cool!
Or maybe Amorphophallus Rivieri.

kirstenp, Nov 2, 12:23pm
Does it stink? We had one where we are - discovered it when it grew after we bought our house and once it flowered it stunk. I believe ? my husband did some research on it and they are banned in NZ or something like that (sorry he's not here to ask) - they are from memory a weed in some other country. Took months to get rid of it as it kept resprouting everywhere. but was really cool when we first discovered it and it's stench!

cky, Nov 2, 12:53pm
Yup smells like rotting animals!

deathrockboy, Nov 4, 2:42am
It's Amorphophallus konjac, which is the same as A. rivieri.

I'm not aware of any of these species being banned in New Zealand, would be interested to know what you had!

nzmax, Aug 9, 6:16am
I had this growing at my last place. Lady at garden centre told me it was known as Dragon Lily or Dragon Arum. Stunk like rotten meat when in flower. Took weeks to work out where the smell was coming from the first time it flowered after I moved in. The house had a flat roof lean to on the back and seriously thought that a rat or bird had died in there. The flower was very striking apart from the smell.