What is this flower please?

stevee6, Mar 4, 3:39pm
Amaryllis. They're a bulb that puts flowers out now, then grows leaves to feed the bulb for the next flowering season. They come in shades of pink, or white.

lookdonttouch, Mar 4, 3:46pm
thank you. i was surprised to see these pretty things growing amongst the jungle mess on the property

lilyfield, Mar 4, 3:49pm
also called Naked Lady

muffycaz, Mar 4, 4:21pm
Tis a naked lady.The leaves come out after

nzoomed, Mar 4, 4:25pm
yup, they are naked lady's

ammcats, Mar 4, 4:32pm
They are nerines or naked ladies (not amaryllis).

stevee6, Mar 4, 4:35pm
Nerines are slightly different, although sometimes they are also called naked ladies.

ammcats, Mar 4, 4:41pm
.mmmm. I stand corrected lol,I always thought amaryllis were those red shaded lily things you bought for indoors from the supermarket.Thanks for the education.Never too old to learn

stevee6, Mar 4, 4:44pm
The red ones are hippeastrums - same sort of family so you're not mistaken.

ammcats, Mar 4, 4:50pm
Now that is getting too technical for me!Lol.If its pretty I'll buy it and hope it grows.Thanks for your input! It is appreciated.

stevee6, Mar 4, 4:58pm
LOL I can grow all except hippeastrums - no idea why I fail at them. Maybe neglect is the answer.

daleaway, Mar 4, 5:46pm
They are Belladonna Lilies, also known as Naked Ladies.
They come in several shades of pink and also white, which is less common.

shanreagh, Mar 4, 6:53pm
And they tell us that autumn is on the way! Big strappy leaves follow the flowers.

oh_hunnihunni, Mar 4, 7:52pm
There is a heavily scented white - perfume is like hyacinths. Gorgeous thing. If anyone has some I'd be interested in buying a bulb. Or three.

harrislucinda, Mar 4, 8:00pm
haveawhite1has6flower headsabout toopenNotsureifitisscented

oh_hunnihunni, Mar 4, 8:59pm
Stronger at night, but unmistakeable in daylight, worth having!

trade4us2, Mar 4, 10:52pm
Can they be dug up and moved to another site! I have some at the very back of my property.

stevee6, Mar 4, 11:39pm
Absolutely, and now is the time because their roots are minimal. Don't move them when in leaf.

jag5, Mar 5, 1:59pm
Took one of mine 13 years to flower stevee6.don't give up yet.and yep, mine were neglected.and they LOVE being crowded in the pot.

deathrockboy, Mar 5, 2:30pm
They are Amaryllis belladonna. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/-
Also known as Naked Ladies.
Most certainly not Nerines, which are totally different.(http://en.wikipedia-

stevee6, Mar 5, 2:51pm
I'm soooooooooooo damn patient*grins*

poce, Mar 7, 10:53pm

hanmer, Apr 8, 4:54am
steve, i suggest you do what this guy does. he plants them outside his fence!without fail every year he has the most beautiful Hs for all to see.i am so surprised that it has not been "lifted" yetI