I would like to catch some flax flowers to use as decorations for a wedding in about 6wks time,. is it possible to spray paint withvarnish/polyurethaneto preserve or is there a simple way to hold the colour etc. to just leave they will be all brown and black by then Hope it makes sense!
Dec 16, 4:43am
don't think that will work somehow. some flowers you can dry but they seem a bit too fleshy.maybe you would be better to look for something in season in 6 weeks.
Dec 16, 12:02pm
There is something you can do with glycerine - google it
Dec 17, 8:57am
Are you looking at just the flowers or long stem PLUS the flowers. Just the flowers you could dry in the microwave-not sure how dried up they'd be-you'd need to experiment. The glycerine method would be very expensive for long stems of flax + it tends to stain things a browny colour Just hanging them upside down in say a garage might work-or take your chances on some being out when you need them. Even if the flowers have dried on the stem, you could spray them with red /orange flowers paint spray. Think that Spotlight has that or some craft place> I bought gold-copper + silver flower spray paint at a florist in P Nth
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