Who knows what this flower is?

ro42, Mar 9, 2:58pm
It's a penstemon of some variety :)

veejay13, Mar 9, 3:03pm
If it's what I think it is, it also comes in purple or white, originates in SouthAfrica, and keeps for ages as a cut flower.but I'm sorry I can't recall the name of it.This will drive me mad until I find out!

stevee6, Mar 9, 3:09pm
Looks like a hybrid snapdragon to me. Penstemon sounds likely, especially if it's a perennial.

ro42, Mar 9, 3:11pm
It has penstemon leaves , but I've never seen one quite as 'frilly' as that, nor with a yellow throat. It's pretty!

venna2, Mar 9, 3:13pm
I googled penstemons and yes, it does look a bit like them, though there seem to be heaps of different sorts. I MAY have put it in as part of a wild flower mix, or some sort of mix, or maybe it was self sown, I just don't know. I've never heard of penstemons - do you think that's what you were trying to think of, veejay13!

ro42, Mar 9, 3:16pm
Yes, you're right, it does look like a hybrid snapdragon - one of the 'twinny' types perhaps!

Is it something that has just grown this year, or is it a perennial!

stevee6, Mar 9, 3:19pm
If it has some non-flowering stems, it would be well worth taking some cuttings. Seed would be good, but if it's a hybrid, you won't get the same flower.

venna2, Mar 9, 3:38pm
I'm not sure but I think it was growing last year too. It's in two places in my garden where I think I put seedlings probably from the supermarket, but can't remember what they were.

maclad, Mar 9, 3:47pm
Snapdragon one of the more modern varieties with out the old type flowers. Will grow readily from seed. Some of them will flower for two seasons if dead headed.

oh_hunnihunni, Mar 9, 4:00pm
Can I have some seed please! It's lovely!

jphs, Mar 9, 4:51pm
My guess is an Antirhinum/Snapdragon.

piquant, Mar 10, 12:06am
Definitely an azalea flowered antirrhinum.

treewalk, Mar 10, 3:29am
antirrhinum "Madame Butterfly"

uke17, Mar 12, 3:06pm

mcdaff, Mar 13, 1:20am
It is an Incarvillea delavayi.Google it.

hare1, Mar 13, 1:37am
Spot on treewalk.I bought them of trademe in spring and everyone was a different colour.Just beautiful.Grew really tall also and lovely for picking .They have been around for years!

hare1, Mar 13, 1:48am
Check out trader hham as he has somewhich look similar going of in a few hours.571494629.

hanmer, Apr 14, 1:44pm
i think penstemon, too.leaves are very similar