Whats the best way to get rid of flax bushes?

sb6, Oct 27, 3:00am
Have cut them back but they are huge. Anybody got a quicker way to remove than digging!

pandaeye, Oct 27, 3:01am
$1 reserve.

sb6, Oct 27, 3:03am
What & get someone to come dig them out themselves!

pettal, Oct 27, 3:13am
they are normally shallow rooted so are not to hard to dig out ,or get a heavy 4WD and tow / winch them out .

jasandlis, Oct 27, 3:40am
rope and a 4wd, they pop out pretty easy.

bernie184, Oct 27, 3:44am
We had some big ones.We cut them back and then sprinkled Tordon granules on them.Couple of doses of round up and they are finally dead.But now the good weather is here I saw a heap of seedlings yesterday.

zak410, Oct 27, 5:13am
Go to the centre of the plant and dig them out from there is by far the easiest way to do 'by hand' .

gilligee, Oct 27, 5:35am
Use a grubber.

mokaumoi, Oct 27, 5:51am
Call your local Marae, or TWOA centre- they may want it for weaving.If they come and cut it, it will be easier for you to dig it .

secretmissy1, Oct 26, 11:04am
I dug out three last week 1.5m high tenax variety - took 15mins to dig each flax out, they are shallow rooting and easy to remove at this time of year when the soil is still moist.