Best spray for Agapanthus please.

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mikee6, May 6, 12:36am
Buggers are taking over the area between the road and my property. I need to cull them back a bit.

pauline999, May 6, 12:45am
I used an axe on the ones I had, and hacked at them til I got them out. Weedkillers didn't seem to work on mine.

mikee6, May 6, 1:07am
If there wasn't so many I would, did that at my last property.

les6, May 6, 2:14am
i am told weedazol(amitole)works to kill this stuff?

chelseabird, May 6, 2:45am
There is an ad on TV for Weed Weapon - I think Tui make it. Supposed to be the thing for Aggies. Haven't tried it.

lalbagh, May 6, 3:00am
Council kindly sprayed our road verge and killed all the day lilies I planted, but the agapanthus survived. The only thing worth planting is agapanthus as it is the only thing that survives the Council blitzes

jonners2013, May 6, 4:01am
IF you're anywhere near Christchurch, I'd happily take some off your hands!

vivac, May 6, 4:02am
Weed weapon works a treat, for a while, the bastards always come back.

tablelanddragon, May 6, 4:53am
I used a product called Triclop 600. It has worked in knocking back oxalis and agapanthus. Takes some time but it travels through the plant and gets right down to the bulbs. Google it to find out who supplies in your area.

kindajojo, May 6, 5:28am
Flame thrower . napalm

lythande1, May 6, 2:42pm
Best to cut them first, low down, then apply Vigilant gel.
But cut them first!

tuiglen3, May 6, 3:31pm
try undiluted roundup

quiz3, May 6, 4:36pm
No sprays will work BUT try dynamite, gelignite, digger, bulldozer or failing all that,,, get a sharp spade, skim off at ground level wait for them to sprout, maybe 3inches high then hit them with a strong brew of weed killer and repeat, repeat, repeat.
They have taken quite awhile to get to the size you have so will take quite awhile to get rid of. There's no easy fix for these pesty things failing the first former ideas. Good luck, time kills!

kcc55a, May 6, 5:33pm
Sprays don't work on Aggies

jan2242, May 6, 6:09pm
Use Grazon mixed with Pulse. This DOES work, takes about 3-4 sprayings to kill them totally. Had a full bank of these things and this is what I used.

mkbooks, May 7, 12:28am
We ha a big thick border of the things, friend + I spent a week digging them out-jumped on the spade to get thru the clumps. I just kept pulling them out until they stopped appearing, BUT it only needs 1 bit of root for the plants to start again

kindajojo, May 7, 1:55am
We pulled a large area of Aggies. a few years ago . turned it into lawn. they still come up even though it's mowed weekly

melonhead1, May 7, 4:19am
I've killed them by chopping as much out as possible and then mixing in a heap of Urea into the soil/roots. It burned them up.

cannonbait81, May 7, 4:47pm
I'm trying to kill them with weedkiller before digging them out. I don't want to get any of that sap on me, might have to where protective clothing

twain1, May 7, 7:41pm
there is a spray, am not sure what it is, ring the auckland council pest control management.
every bit of root will grow so you cant really dig them out and be successful

pauldw, May 7, 7:53pm
They regrow from bits of tuber left behind not the spaghetti like roots. Any seeds in the ground will also give years of trouble.

brightlights60, May 8, 3:03am
We advertised ours on here. Sold them and the people who bought them removed them too. For some strange reason people still want them!

twain1, May 8, 2:37pm
Unfortunately for us here in the north, it is no longer legal to sell the larger orientalis so we are not so lucky to get rid of them easily/
I started selling on trade me before the accord - as many as you like for 50cnets. People came with diggers, 6 wheel trucks, took them away by the trailer load. They were the good old days. Wish i could get rid of the rest

pauldw, May 8, 7:25pm
If you check the National Pest Plant Accord agapanthus is NOT on the banned list. The latest position seems to be that it is on the Watch list while the trade are being encouraged to develope more sterile varieties.

shop-a-holic, May 12, 5:33am
Some regional councils have banned aggies. Some have not.
In Wellington they are extremely vulgar.
We use Triclo from Rainbow and Brown. Works a treat!