Electric lawnmower question

jiffy4, Jan 2, 5:02am
I have an electric lawnmower (a green Viking ME 400) It has been working well for years but recently the blade stopped turning, however the motor hums. I think it may be a loose connection as I undid the housing and wiggled some wire connections, put housing back, turned it on. motor hummed and blade started turning for about 60 seconds, then stopped again.
Any ideas? Any contacts or recomended fix it people? Really dont want to spend lots of $$ though. Thanks

pauldw, Jan 2, 6:25am
Does it still turn freely? The only electric mower I've had seized up with dust in the motor bearings

gpg58, Jan 2, 6:48am
Unsure if they are a brushed or brushless motor, but wondering if brushes are worn out if that type.

trade4us2, Jan 2, 9:07am
It may have a starter capacitor that is faulty. If there's a bulging capacitor, go to Jaycar and get a similar one for a few dollars.

jiffy4, Jan 7, 10:05am
Does anyone know who services these mowers in west or central auckland? The motor is humming and trying to turn the blade and soetimes does start the blade spinning for a short amount of time. thanks

sprinter51, Jan 7, 12:50pm
Like all mower the blade will atached to the motor shaft
Now this will come in several parts
1 - blade
2 - bolt and washer
3 - boss
4 - woodruff key
Its this part that allows the motor to connect with the blade and turn
The idea behind it is that if you hit something like a rock, this key is the mowers safety valve and will break before any other damage can happen to the motor

DONT take it to Wrights mower here on the shore
He used to sell the Viking brand and is a dealer I would recommend to anyone
Hell ,even I would take a look at it for free before I let you take it there

supernova2, Jan 7, 7:27pm
Since its electric I'd try a power tool repairer. Google comes up with lots in Auckland.

jiffy4, Jan 11, 3:49pm
Thanks sprinter51 and supernova2.