Would love to have a Bumble Bee nest around, so will make a couple of wee boxes from plans on the net.but what is the best time of year to attract them to "nest"! And anything in particular they are attracted to, like scents, colours etc! Cheers
Feb 16, 8:37pm
Hi - see thread with similar name.
Feb 16, 8:39pm
They love old mouse nests.so you could go get a bit of used cage litter from your local pet shops mouse cage.
Feb 16, 9:23pm
Best time of year would be spring, when the queens are coming out of hibernation/hiding for winter and setting up new nests. They will find a suitable place (they seem to like compost bins here) and make a nest. This is usually small, but can get football sized (underground though). In winter the old queen dies and new ones fly off to hibernate for winter. The old nest dies off but often they will make a new one in the same place if it is still suitable. I have some photos of an old one i excavated from my compost bin once.
Thanks all for replies, I'll try for next spring by the looks!
Yep I read that article, ca only give it a try, have a couple of peaceful spots down the back which has plenty of trimings/leaves etc so will put one there. Cheers
Feb 17, 7:30pm
i had a bumble nest here this spring. they all died off a few weeks ago, but it was a thrill while it lasted, first time ever, been here 25+ years :)
does anyone know whether they tend to come back again the next year!
Feb 19, 12:25am
We have had one under the garden shed every year for about the last 4 years.It disappears around March and comes back early summer.I'm not sure if they "find" the same place, or whether there are dormant bees in there over the winter.
Feb 19, 2:10am
there are loads in my bottlebrush, it flowers when there isn't much else around in flower
Feb 19, 2:49pm
Just wondered if anyone had noticed.and I have to ask out of curiosity; the bumbles around here seem to um.nod off whilst on the flowers, as in taking a siesta for a while. When I touch the bees they start buzzing and carry on with their work. Noticed the same thing yesterday whilst out walking with the dog, a big bumble bee on a flower, having a nap.
Lots of bumbles here at the mo.
Mar 16, 9:03am
We seem to have a lot of bumblebee nests in a sandy bank.
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