Veggie Garden Beginners Thread

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missmuppett, Apr 27, 12:34am
Ha ha firefly - funny!

It's been raining for most the day up here, which is good, meant I didn't need to do any watering tonight.I picked some more courgettes and have de bugged.I spent most of my time today with the animals getting them sorted.So maybe will have some time later in the week to dig up another portion of the raised bed.Our bags of spuds are just cranking now - we are putting more soil or straw on them constantly it feels like.

Glad the move went OK Desp.And what awesomeness you are planting out and finding out about those treasures in the garden! WOO HOO!Post up a pic when you get time :)

Take care everyone,

soc_butterfly, Apr 29, 2:42am
firefly, funny!the reason why they do that is because there are things in the soil that make the carrot 'divert' around in order to keep growing.which is why a lot of people use sandy fine soil to grow them in.alternatively you can sift the soil in a soil sieve.

desp, sounds like you're doing loads down there.can't wait to see pics!

i've been working too hard on my dayjob, nothing done in garden and rose garden still in dire need of weed and mulch to keep the bulbs toasty over winter.

bought some cauli seedlings, yes.yes I am offically stupid and out of time!

rodcindy, Apr 29, 3:30am
WoooooHooooooooooooo. I got a lovely parcel of cuttings from juliwn today !I am so STOKED !I had a day off today and got planting !
. now I have a silly question. you know how you have NZ Garlic and chinese garlic.well if the chinese garlic sprouts, and you plant it. and it grows. is it then classed as NZ garlic lol!

missmuppett, Apr 30, 3:57pm
LOL!So what is everyone's plans in the garden this weekend!
I am going to get Mr to dig me two massssssive holes to plant the rose bushes into that were ripped out of my neighbours. we already have a couple of roses growing around our septic tank fencing, so another couple will look good :)
I'll be doing more raking of the bed and caterpillar killing!
Have a good one all! :)

missmuppett, Apr 30, 8:09pm
Just did the rest of my seed spuds, planted into 3 more chaff bags. :)

ords, May 4, 2:31am
I weeded the tunnel house and outdoor garden today. am procastinating on getting seaweed/kelp, its just in the too hard basket at teh moment. Need to plant more winter veges this weekend to keep up with the 3 weekly planting. Fingers crossed it all works :)

jenner4, May 4, 4:25am
Busy evening at our place , Planted out more Broad Beansplants and leek , we like them about 1/2 the size as in the shop and ran another row of carrots/radish , put compost around every plant in the garden and topped it off with crunched up egg shells around every veg plant, we save every egg shell in this house
and we started the incinerator up with all the garden rubbish and got that all out of the way next job is the wash and put away any garden pots and every thing that will not be used till next spring, part of good gardening is garden house work L O L

abbey_magick, May 4, 4:52am
I have 20 leek babies to plant, another 4 lettuces (the break off leaf ones, we have another 5 in already and going strong), 6 coloured silverbeet, 6 spinach.all yet to plant. My parsely and coriander are going mad at the moment, thyme is going well and oregano is too, rosemary hasnt grown much tho.

honzee, May 4, 4:59am
Just found this thread, will have to add it to my list of forums to visit. :) I've been gardening for a while now but upping the ante now to make some extra money for the family and keep our grocery costs down which all means that I can stay at home with our 14mth old son :D
Chinese garlic shouldn't sprout at all, it's sprayed with so many chemicals to prevent it from sprouting so it can be imported into NZ. It's awful compared to homegrown garlic from NZ seed anyway.
I was at Bunnings today so bought a few punnets of vege to fill some gaps - 2xbroccoli, 1x cauli, 1x cabbage, 1x perpetual spinach, 1x rainbow beet, 1x celery - plus some pansies to pot up to add a bit of colour to the deck. Also picked up my first chook so she has moved into a chookrun over one of my vege beds to fertilise & weed it bit by bit.

jenner4, May 4, 10:53pm
Hi honzee and welcome this is such a good thread started by desprtehouswife, it helps keep us all up to date with what we should be growing and doing and reminds us all if we have forgotten to plant something and I can see by your list [and if we count cauil as a green] that you will be in for good savings on the greens , I love it if I can serve up veg every night of the week and have grown the lot , putting a few more potatoes in this weekend and covering up the last lot planted with pea straw , they are slower from now on but I think we will get through the winter with what we have put in.
dose any one keep a diary on what the plant/grow and how much of each thing , we have been doing so the last few years so that we know how many potatoes and when to plant so as to avoid running out

missmuppett, May 5, 1:18am
Really must plant out some more cos lettuces, I found these little "fake terracotta" tubs out the back of our place and the lettuces are going crazy in them.Have been having fresh salad sammies for lunch - soooo good!Perhaps this weekend I will plant some. !

Does anyone know how long it takes for Potatoes to flower and be ready for digging up the spuds!

missmuppett, May 6, 1:25am
Excellent bargains Desp!I went to look at the WH and 50c seedlings, but didn't find any.We just have "auckland" priced seedlings up here :) hehehehe. frost wooo eeeee chilly!I will keep you posted on my spuds! :)

My capsicum plants are flowering like mad and some of my chilli plants are too!!!!RANDOM!

jenner4, May 6, 1:50am
Oh Hell, that warehouse , I fell so sorry for the poor little plants being put down to 50c that I have to buy them and give them a good loving home .Keep planting Potatoes and as they come up keep them warm with pea straw , remember the garden show on TV with Maggie Bary and the old guy "The Professor" a great gardener, lived in Dunedin , an amazing man , any way he said you could grow Potatoes all year round so that is just what we do , they are in raised beds so there feet dont get wet and a bit slower but with keeping up with the PS we are happy to take his wise advise

missmuppett, May 7, 8:37pm
My Grandad who is now passed on had the best garden in the whole of the Dunedin area. he used to grow spuds all year around too. gotta be the Jersey Bennie tho - they are the best he said :) haha or Red Kings! :)Aww I miss Grandad! :(
I did more caterpillar killing this morning. gawd, they were out in force on my poor brussels!It's has to be a daily thing I think, rather than every couple of days!
Have had a very busy morning working with the horses, I mucked out and got a wheel barrow full of rotted straw and manure to mulch into the raised bed :)

soc_butterfly, May 8, 4:51am
I got nothing, done nothing but work work my new dayjob :(

Loving the job.missing the garden and you nutters!


ry5, May 11, 11:45pm
Hey desp - hope you're surviving the southern frosts!I'm in Mosgiel and we've had a few beauts over the past week or so.I was hoping to have a long autumn cos I planted my corn a bit late.Just a quick note tho' to welcome you to Dunners.

missmuppett, May 13, 1:00am
*News Flash* My brocollini's have now got heads! WOO HOO!Only tiny ones mind, but still very very pleased with that :)
No more plants for me at this stage, but possibly this weekend more digging.My potatoes have now reached the top of the chaff sacks, so now it is just a waiting game to see if they flower and we get some spuds from them :)


soc_butterfly, May 13, 4:33pm
finally put my bought cauli seedlings out last night.only to find some big fat green caterpillars lolling around the broccolli.that had all but eaten the broccolli!

sheesh, neglect sure does come up to bite ya in the ass!

ords, May 14, 2:12am
Hi all. small frosts here and lots of fog. Was ment to plant the next stage brassica last weekend but still havent made it to the nursery lol. The outside stuff, I put straw around it all for a bit of warmth. They are growing, slowly, but am able to pick wee bits of silverbeet and pac choy. Im eating cauli now that I planted eons ago. The tunnel house is doing ok, the carrots are well up now and the brassica taking off. Hoping that it all pans out really. We have had some really great warm days. I do think however that my soil needs more fert. must get onto it. Days are just never long enough round here.

gorsegully, May 14, 11:37pm
Haven't been on for a while
Hi Desp,
Welcome to the deep south. If you want tyres, go to any of the garages and they will happily give them to you as they have to pay to dump them. If you don't have success there try the Tyre places like Beaurepaires etc.
Frost will burn potato tops down here,but if you can be bothered covering them with frost cloth on those clear nights you may have luck. Don't know if northerners eat swede, but I saved seed from one last year if you want any

gorsegully, May 14, 11:39pm
Can't remember if I promised you any seed of Laperousia ! but have collected some for someone. I must be getting oldtimers or alzheimers

soc_butterfly, May 15, 1:38am
Oooh yes that was moi :)

gorsegully, May 15, 2:06am
Soc, just checked old emails and see I also promised you some old fashioned Freesia bulbs. Will get on to it next week .

gorsegully, May 15, 5:42pm
Not a lot in garden at present. I'm on tank water & we had a long dry spell. mainly carrots and swedes, some for me & some for my sheep. Have just put in more silverbeet, again this tends to be a shared crop with my girls. ha ha.

ords, May 16, 3:04am
Im struggling to find brassica seedlings. Im due to plant more in the tunnel house. Tried 2 garden places so far. Will try the warehouse and nicols when next in town. Still havent put kelp/seaweed on the bare garden. procrastination at its best.