Yesterday I bought 3 priced down punnets (.99c) of cauli which I have now planted,hopefully I will get some cauli's out of them. 1 sad looking punet of calendula, the only one left (couldn't find any marigolds). Planted carrot and onion seeds together. Derris dusted the cauli's, my last lot of broccoli got completely eaten and I just couldn't keep up with picking the caterpillars off. So now looking forward to them growing. I also have leeks and silverbeet in the garden.
Apr 17, 5:26am
the calendulas should survive lala, they're very hardy and make a lovely show.I think I have caterpillars on my broccoli too, luckily my cats like catching flutterbyes :)
Apr 17, 3:10pm
Morning. I know this is silly question but we all ask what can we plant at this time of the year. Here go what can't we plant at the time of the year. As I am trying to fill my gardens up as this keeps weed down. And I have 2 houses 1 big one and one small one. And I have got a garden in my big house. And I am still learning. As I have not done gardening for about 15 years. As I have just spent lots of money built up gardens so I can do same now. As my health is not good and have trouble walking to. I have someone helping me with things I can not do. And I grow so much veg. So I can give away to others in need.
Apr 18, 2:31am
Re-made the compost bin today. going to take a fair bit to fill it. but its made. Think my tomato plants have done their dash. so they need to come out soon then I have a heap of room in the tunnel house to plant winter veges.
Apr 18, 3:28am
kbateman, are you asking about veges you can't plant.or anything in the garden as in shrubs, flowers etc!
ords, my tomatoes are still going strong.I had none all summer and they're suddenly producing in autumn.go figure!
Apr 18, 4:08pm
Hi. Yes asking about veges. Thank you.
Apr 19, 4:55am
Hi,have just spent ages reading this whole thread :o)
We're living in Auckland and have just started our first garden this summer.Will be planning a winter garden too, can't wait to get started.
Apr 19, 5:01am
Nice to see you desp, thanks for popping in and letting us know how you're doing.have been thinking of you!
kbateman, you can't plant frost tender things, like tomatoes, zuchinnis, corn etc.but I'm certainly not knowledgeable on what I can't plant.
I ordered a yates calendar off the yates website and got one in the mail for free which tells me each month what I can plant.
Welcome rakki!
Apr 20, 5:19am
I think you can plant the snow peas and calendulas desp.I can't remember what else was in there lol!
Apr 21, 1:07am
HI guys, long time no hear, I've had no phone or internet at home - thanks Telstra!It seems every time they work on the line up here, we get our lines screwed up - very frustrating! Anyways, haven't caught up on the thread yet, but will be sure to post later perhaps. I got my violet queen cauli's in! WAHOO and we have dug up another patch in the raised bed between two more of the camelia trees. Everything is growing and I am truely amazed at my spuds, they grow about 5cm taller a day it seems!Well maybe not, but seems like it. Anyways, will be back!(ps - so so so much better typing with an N key on my new keyboard!) :)MM
Apr 21, 2:13am
NNNNNNNNNice to see ya miss!
Coriander.desp I have NO idea, it's the 1st time I've managed to grow the stuff *giggles* plant a couple and see what happens!
My aria spuds are still sprouting in the kitchen draw, awaiting me planting them!
I despair, whose idea was it for me to go back to work!!
Apr 22, 1:13am
Welcome Rakki! :) Tonight I conned the man into diggin in some compost for me. so that was good, I will be planting out the caulis and kale this weekend. My cucumbers are only just starting to "form" now, so I wonder if they will even make it to the dinner table before winter is truely here! Hmmm, anyone else know! We do live in North Auckland, so it's pretty mild up here. Did a bit of caterpillar squishing tonight too and gave everything a little watering.Only one caterpillar found which is a sign I've been doing a good job I guess. he he, but I did see some more white butterfly eggs on the brocolli leaves, so scraped them off and sprinkled some slug slam stuff about. I also covered up my spuds and gave them another layer of spud food.I read you are supposed to fert spuds alot!Anyone know! Hope everyone had a great day! MM
Apr 22, 1:15am
soc, I have let about 8 little Agria potatoes sprout also. I think I will plant them up to try. It seems two of my spud bags are doing really well and one isn't!I wonder if it is the variety of spuds we used!We did two bags of Liseta and one bag of Islam Hardy so far. Will try the agria in a different bag and see what happens :) MMmmmMMMMmmmm agria potatoes my fave!
Apr 22, 1:19am
Lala I would strongly suggest not using weed mat also, at our place we have our chickens in a netted 1/2 tennis court type sized area, it was originally a garden, all in raised beds and all weed matted. it's been so so hard to deal with, we can't break through the matting etc, so are just letting the chooks scratch it up patch by patch. we've been here a year and they've only "prepared" 2 beds out of about 10! So yes, one more vote for NO weed mat :)
Apr 23, 12:58am
Does anyone know can you just plant any old sprouted potatoes (you know the ones that fell out of the bag and were forgotten about in the back of the cupboard)!Or do they need to be special seed potatoes!
Apr 23, 1:37am
you can plant old spuds artiste. I would put a bit of fert with them tho to give them a boost. Hubby went to town today so I got him to buy some brasica's and winter lettuces. I really should plant some more seed spuds too. I had an infestation of catipillars on some brocolli. they blended in so well I almost didnt see them lol. So. tomorrow will be gardening day. I also need to dig in some fertilizer. I watched target so will be getting the stuff they recommended as my compost is in the very early stages.
Apr 23, 1:39am
Carrots are up in the tunnel house. they have all taken so a good row. Ment to get more today but alas. I forgot to put them on hubby's list. We have straw that we used for the above ground spuds that Im hoping will mulch down so we can use that on the garden. Im also going to cover one with kelp over the winter and use a small portion of the outside garden over winter.
Apr 23, 5:09pm
Pretty sure you can artiste. I am going to do that with a handful of little agria spuds that got all sprouted in the "doom" at the back of the cupboard :)Goodluck!
The seed spuds I planted, well my "liseta" type have started to grow up which is good, but they are a good couple of weeks behind the "islam hardys", depsite being planted at the same time!Hmm, will be interesting to see how they go.
I've lost a couple more courgettes to rot, which is a shame. the chooks think thats fine by them tho - lucky girls! I am thinking I might use straw to pop around the base of the courgette plants in future, to stop them touching the wet ground!
Just about to head into the garden, have already done caterpillar control under the watchful eyes of my two pups and lorikeet! :)I have been procrastinating on digging and smashing up more of the raised bed. it's HARD work, But will get it done.I'd like to finish off the kale and black cabbage planting - then tomorrow maybe try and get some onions in tho I do have a busy day out doing horsey things, so we will see.
Have a wonderful weekend all! Happy vege gardening :) PS - we found an old washing machine innard which I have told the Mr to bring home so I can plant that out too! WAHOO! :)
Apr 23, 9:18pm
Have planted out the tunnel house. We put in some old spuds too. will see how they pan out. The soil had compacted down a lot and its not as fine as I would like it. put I was running out of puff. Have planted: Silverbeet, cauliflower, brocolli, winter lettuce and the spuds. Still have the caurgette in their and some red onions slowly coming along. I ripped out all the tomato plants bar 2 newly sprung ones. will see if they take off. My capiscum plant is finally flowering lol. talk bout taking its sweet time.Still would like to plant more carrots. but Im now lacking a bit of room lol. The plants outside are also coming along great. More brassica and pok choy and a few red cabbages left.Will get kelp to put ontop of the soil for the winter.
Apr 24, 2:12am
Yay peastraw desp!
I desperate(no pun intended)ly need to mulch my rose bed for winter hibernation but the hollyhocks are soooo huge I dunno how I'll get around them lol.
I had one out of 3 spud bags not do as well as the others too miss, might be luck of the draw!I do think there are winter ones and spring ones tho, have you checked the type and if it's ok for this time of year!
I bought a bag of purple potatoes the other day and they roast marvellously!Very close in yumminess to agrias roasted, so I'm going to see if I can get a few of them to sprout too, as we don't get through a whole bag now there are only two of us here.they always sprout lol!
Dry in wellywood, getting chillier but we do need some rains to be honest.
Have a great weekend everyone <3
Apr 26, 4:09am
OMG its wet. so incredibly wet! Flooding in most surrounding areas. No need to water any gardens, mind you, we have had such a slack summer that Ive hardly watered anything, including the tunnel house. How often should I be planting seedlings to get a steady supply! Am aiming to ideally not need to buy any veges year round. We do have a cold climate tho and most winters would see a few good frosts. But at the moment, its simply wet wet wet lol.
Apr 26, 5:32am
OH thanks everyone.Must go rescue some sprouting spuds from the back of the cupboard to experiment with!
Apr 26, 7:24pm
ord, bout every 2-3 weeks should give you a steady supply.buggar about your rain, I saw on stuff about it :(
we actually need some rain here in wellywood, send it up.some, not all!
Apr 26, 9:15pm
the rain has stopped. And a decent breeze might dry the washing thats been out since Sunday. No need to water all the gardens. Must set it in my dairy for next planting out.
Apr 26, 9:39pm
Well I've had my first ever success with growing carrots but we pulled one out today and there was a few giggles from the kids - check out my profile pic!Don't get carrot envy.
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