Name of weed

oh_hunnihunni, Jan 4, 2:16am
We always called it papyrus, but get rid - it's a takeover artist and once established can be a real pain.

lythande1, Jan 4, 2:21am
Ah thanks.
That lead me to it:
Cyperus ustulatus
Giant umbrella sedge

les6, Jan 4, 3:15am
some people also call it nutgrass

lythande1, Jan 4, 4:18am
I call it a weed.LOL.but I did want to find it's official name - thanks.

oh_hunnihunni, Jan 4, 4:19am
It grows huge given half a chance. I've cleared it out of several old neglected gardens, now I slaughter it on sight.

I think I hate this thing almost as much as I loathe yukkas.

lythande1, Jan 4, 8:13pm
Sadly the neighbours don't care and have every weed in the book, so it's an ongoing battle over my place.
Privet, jasmine, wandering jew, ivy, convovulous, agapanthus, the papyrus thing, nightshade - both varities. Sigh.

maclad, Jan 5, 3:47am
Some may call it nut grass, but nutgrass is a far worse problem. It has small "nuts" on the roots under ground and it has rhizomes which run and form new plants.
Sadly we just imported this into a new property, where we are landscaping, with a load of topsoil we bought in. Now we have to battle it. It is in all the gardens and lawns as well.

trade4us2, Jan 15, 7:14am
So no Veldt grass, Moth plant, Climbing asparagus then! You're lucky!