Peach Trees

lythande1, Jan 1, 7:29pm
Brown Rot. Common.
You have to spray with copper from buds opening, every 2 weeks to just before they are ripe.

shadowbrookfarm, Dec 31, 1:37am
We have 4 peach trees on our property, 1 tree produces more fruit than the rest and they grow faster BUT they go rotten before they are ripe. I have never had any good fruit off this tree. The others usually reach full size and are edible. Any reason why this could be happening! Anything we can do about it!

kateley, Dec 31, 1:40am
sounds like a fungal disease - do you have a spray programme!

wheelz, Dec 31, 1:44am
A lot can depend on the weather, Rain and humidity with stone fruit.I have the same problem here, with peaches and apricots, some districts are just not suitable.

shadowbrookfarm, Dec 31, 1:56am
Yes they do get sprayed. I did think of the humidity but would of thought it would affect all the trees. Two of the trees are protected from the west and are right next to a building, the other two including the one with bad fruit are sheltered on the east side by a smaller hedge

maclad, Jul 10, 10:59am
Peaches and nectarines are susceptible to brown rot and it generally arrives just as fruit starts to ripen. You could spray hard out with fungicide but it is really hard to beat, especialy in humid weather, though a good winter spray programme should help a lot. It will help to get rid of over wintering spores as will good hygiene eg picking up fallen leaves.
Do not forget to spray the soil under the trees as well.
The other thing to try and not sure if it will work is to pick near ripe fruit and ripen inside. I have done this today so will see if it works.
I know fully tree ripened is preferable but sometimes needs must.