Blackboy Peach tree

may321, Jan 1, 11:27pm
I have just brought a Blackboy Peach tree which is quite small. Am going to plant it and wondering if anyone has any tips for this. should i put compost with it. or what is best. Not a good gardener here.


harrislucinda, Jan 1, 11:47pm
they are very hardy put some in the hole as wont hurt it

charie4, Jan 1, 11:51pm
We had one right outside our chook house on the farm and it produced really well probably because of all the chook poo around it.

schnauzer11, Jan 2, 12:31am
They are bomb-proof, and will just be pleased to be planted. BTW-it's 'bought'.

arabelle, Jan 2, 1:03am
Do tether it well, the fruit heavily before the branches can really carry the weight so need staking and supporting. dig a deep large hole 4x bigger than the pot it is in, and fill with manure to encourage wide and deep root system, It will reward you well

may321, Jan 2, 2:28am
thanks a lot for your input.

aj.2., Jan 2, 2:36am
This ^^^ and keep the water up to it. Very small , hard fruit if the tree does not get lots of water.

books4nz, Jan 2, 4:31am
Blackboy and Apple Crumble. divine. I freeze sliced Blackboy peaches from my tree so they're freeflow, the same with apple slices, the same with crumble mix. Grease oven dish, pour in some still frozen apples and Blackboy peaches, mix together, pour over some straight-from-the-freezer crumble mix. 180C till golden. done! :-)

fogs, Jan 2, 4:48am
I have 6 I planted the stones for and they are all ready to fruit. not quite sure what to do next we certainly can't fit 6 more fruit trees in

books4nz, Jan 2, 4:50am
Hi Fogs - do you have a local community garden, they might like the trees, or a local school who are growing a garden and orchard might like them.

may321, Jan 3, 12:40am
sell them on here. thats where i got my tree from.

groovie1, Jan 3, 3:41pm
My neighbours got a massive blackboy just over our boundary fence that is loaded with fruit every year. I want what he's got so I toodled off Feb of last year and purchased a much smaller version and it eventually developed leaf curl and no fruit. Okayyyy. This year I'm determined to make it right. It doesn't seem fair that the neighbour puts absolutely no energy into his blackboy at all and yet here I am nursing mine carefully to adulthood and it gets curly on me.

firob, Jan 3, 9:14pm
Hey groovie, Don't worry about curly leaf. Rude Klein. says forget about curly leaf. Do nothing. Cheers

may321, Jan 3, 11:07pm
so it will just come right itself firob?

groovie1, Jan 4, 1:55am
haha firob a fruit tree novice i might be but even I know a fungus can't fix itself.

wine-o-clock, Jan 4, 3:17am
spray spray spray with copper in the spring up until bud burst=no curly leaf for me this year!

groovie1, Jan 4, 3:36am
How often wine? Once a week, a fortnight. ?

floralsun, Jan 4, 5:45am
Use diluted apple cider vinegar - 1:20. the vinegar kills the fungus. Spray fortnightly through summer as well - good foliar food for the tree too.

firob, Jan 4, 6:09am
Suggest you give Rude a call on his garden radio show. he might just know a thing or two about fruit trees & Plants, as well as insects of course.

wine-o-clock, Jun 19, 12:04pm
a first spray of lime sulphur while dormant in june, then fortnightly alternate sprays of copper then conqueror oil right up until bud burst in spring(copper one week, oil the next)