Olive Trees for a small garden

lynja, Jun 22, 1:44pm
We would like to plant two or three olive trees to act as a screen ABOVE a 6ft fence. This will give our deck some privacy. We plan to trim lower branches to create a top heavy tree. There are so many to chose from. They would need to be about 3mtrs tall. Frost and wind tolerant. Any tried and true variety suggestion gratefully received.

daryl14, Jun 24, 4:18am
Was at a nursery last week and the owner told me that olives are used extensively for topiary in europe so just go nuts with the shaping.

bjamkm1, Jun 24, 4:35am
You could try 2 Picholine and 1 Leccino. both nice trees , cold tolerant and olives are wind pollinated . Both are nice shape with great fruit.

sue62, Jul 4, 4:51pm
A great choice Lynja. Lovely open canopy and pretty leaves.

cosimo, Nov 30, 10:08am
If that fence is on your boundary, remember that the neighbours might not want the tree branches hanging over their property, and have the right to trim them to the fence line and put them back into your yard.