Pruning fruit trees.

macandrosie, Jun 24, 5:23am
Iv'e made a bit of a mess of mine & I am happy to pay someone to come & teach me how to prune them properly! Anyone know of a pruner in Southland - around Gore area please?

cantabman1, Jun 24, 4:32pm
If you don't find someone, then i suggest Mr Google as your other option.

bluefrog2, Jun 24, 7:13pm
Youtube has some good pruning videos for different kinds of fruit trees.

katelin1, Jun 30, 7:56pm
Contact Diacks in Invers to see if they could recommend someone :)

brightlights60, Jul 2, 6:05am
Yup and get yourself a copy of a Yates garden guide. I have been known to be standing out there with secateurs in one hand and book in the other. And step back after each cut and look at the whole picture (the tree, not the book).

macandrosie, Dec 1, 12:12pm
The thing is - if you can't recognize a leaf bud from a fruit bud you end up pruning at the wrong spot & then you get a bunch of water shoots that stick straight up! And produce nothing!