Any ideas for saving fruit from the birds please!I've done plastic bags (the noise upset a neighbour) have two scraggy scarecrows, hung DVD's in the trees, but would like a new option.Any ideas!Yes I have 2 cats!I don't mind sharing with the birds but they taste each piece of fruit rather than eating one!
Nov 14, 2:32pm
Bird netting.
Nov 14, 2:54pm
put bird netting up , but ended up finding dead birds hanged in it.Have heard that a red laser pointer flashed into their eyescreeps them trying it this summer.
Nov 14, 2:56pm
Just read do NOTflash into their eyes but on their bodies.
Nov 14, 8:18pm
Why bother just plant more fruit trees and share.
Nov 14, 8:23pm
[quote=kendall40Yes I have 2 cats! [/quote] Stop feeding them.
Nov 14, 8:41pm
The Kereru have eaten almost every leaf off my plum trees. They never touch the apple trees.
Nov 15, 4:09am
my first crop from my louisa plum tree last year. birds were having a good go. made me so mad. I cut into the side of clear plastic drinking cups and hanged around the fruit. managed to save about 10 plums.
Nov 15, 3:44pm
A boating shop should have some humming tape. It makes a racketand scares the birds off. Boaties use it to stop the birds crapping on their boats while moored.
Nov 15, 5:45pm
Thank you for all the ideas.I will try the humming tape.I asked the price of the owls that boaties use, and they are $45.I wondered about painting polystryrene balls to look like eyes and hang them in the trees.Do you think that would work!I have quite a lot of fruit trees so netting will not work for me.I value my skin so will continue to feed my lazy cats!
Nov 15, 6:53pm
Stop feeding them.[/quote]
I have 11 cats and all the birds in the neighbourhood just thumb their beaks at my
Nov 15, 10:11pm
im bumping this for other ideas.
Nov 17, 1:15am
The birds are after the moisture in the fruit, as they dont seem to eat a great quantity.If you put out bowls of water, they will leave the fruit alone. This will work.
Nov 17, 1:57pm
I have a stream in the garden, bowls of water for the cats and chooks and birdbaths and the birds still go for my fruit. I have netting cages for the soft fruit now.
Nov 17, 2:02pm
Depending on where you are there are companys who make a 9 mm garden gun which makes very little noise and is quite effective in an orchard. This is a rimfire cartridge slightly bigger than a .22
Nov 17, 4:57pm
Got a pic of the netting cage! we are looking to build/buy one for our raspberries.
Need to find a way to protect our apples too.
Nov 6, 10:04pm
.toy snakes.
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