Fruit trees. Iwant to buy some fruit trees egplum apricot would they grow and bear fruit if i was to plant them in big pots

_allyloo_, Feb 14, 11:52pm
Iwant to buy some fruit trees, egplum ,apricot, would they grow and bear fruit if I was to plant them in big pots!

spiritofgonzo, Feb 14, 11:58pm
get the dwarf grafted ones, they grow great in pots.

stevee6, Feb 15, 2:32pm
Agree - dwarf ones do very well in big posts. Don't underplant them with anything pretty though as that takes nutrients from the fruit trees. A couple more pots with lavender etc works well to attract bees for pollination purposes.

dibble35, Feb 15, 4:23pm
Pots would have to be pretty big. Even the dwarf fruiting stonefruit can get to a halfway decent size.

books4nz, Mar 10, 2:16am
+1 - and if you do use a pot, keep the soil mulched so it helps it from drying out.