slug slam sprinkled in and around the veggie garden has been great at protecting young seedlings from those marauding slugs and snailsbut i have noticed that the dead slimy creatures have been disappearing and i suspect birds have also been dining on them. anyone know If birds are Immune to this bait surely they are! And the bird life still seems to be thriving and as abundant as ever :-)
Nov 14, 8:24pm
It kills them. Use Tui Quash instead.
Nov 14, 8:42pm
Yes use Quosh.
Nov 14, 9:04pm
I've been using whichever one is on special since the start of winter.Must've killed a gazillion snails - no birds though.
Nov 14, 9:07pm
Slug Slam is not good for cats either.Speaking from experience coffee grounds is just as if not better than slug slam.
Nov 15, 10:51am
I put my snail bait until park peeled of half a peice of wood so that it is a tunnel shape.The snails and slugs tend to die under that too so the birds can't get them.It also stops other animals from touching it and it outlasts the first shower of rain.
Nov 15, 1:18pm
Someone recommended crushed egg shells sprinkled around the plants, I tried it and it works. Apparently slugs and snails don't like the crawl over the sharp shards of the egg shells.
Nov 15, 5:48pm
sand and sawdust works the same. One poster said they'll eat the eggshells!
Nov 15, 9:20pm
in england you can buy collars with copper in them to put around your veg plants.they sit flat on the ground
Nov 15, 9:39pm
Snails do, not slugs.
Nov 16, 11:39am
I quite like this idea and the many others coffee grounds,sand, etc.Im a bit taken back that slug slam will also kills birds Im surprised that you don't have to be registered and licensed to use the blinken stuff! will use what i have remaining carefully and then il start going with alternatives.
Nov 4, 11:52am
yes some brands of slug and snail repellants have an added pet deterrent in them and should be fairly safe to use if you have family pets. although on the other hand i found a neighboring possum seemed to take a real shining to the bait more so than the slugs and snails i was trying to manage. i upped the amount i was using and noticed it didn't take very long for the furry intruder to stop visiting the garden so i assume it died or fell very ill. pays to use any types of baits with care and caution.
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