Birds eating swan tree caterpillars

ezra62, Mar 10, 7:04pm
I have just got another lot of caterpillars on my plant. Hope they last longer than the last lot. Has anyone else had this problem of birds picking them off one by one. Im off to buy some bird netting, so these ones will survive. I had eight caterpillars with my last lot, and only two survived. The two butterflys have just hatched, and the whole process from baby caterpillar to the actual butterfly has given me a lot of pleasure. so have to protect the newbies, looks like bird netting is my only option.

accroul, Mar 10, 7:11pm
Not sure it would be birds picking the caterpillars off as the caterpillars are toxic . I'm almost 100% certain it'll be wasps sorry.

woody89, Mar 10, 7:22pm


1suze, Mar 10, 7:30pm
I remember my hubby saying something about some bird that has migrated here that is picking off the caterpillars but, I haven't noticed any different birds around. but am losing all of mine too :o(.was thinking of putting netting over my latest deposit of caterpillars as well to protect them.

mottly, Mar 10, 7:33pm
yep, wasps or praying mantis

maidy, Mar 10, 7:34pm
The blackbirds are eating them, have caught them doing it on ours. Normally we just had the wasps to contend with and this is the first year we have seen birds eating them. Last year we had a great year with over 400 butterflies raised but this year so far we are around 160 but hope to get a few more from our second batch of caterpillars which are just appearing.

koru67, Mar 10, 10:20pm
Depending on which part of the country you are in the birds are struggling for food sources with it being so dry, so if you can, feed them fruit or seeds and water and they will leave your monarch caterpillars alone.

ezra62, Mar 11, 12:07am
I think maybe its blackbirds, as we have a lot of them around at the moment. I have'nt seen any wasps as yet. I have been feeding the birds, but thats not deterring them. I reckon its happening very early morning, as I watch closely during the day, and nothing is happening.I think bird netting may be the answer, for my little feathered friends.

uke17, Mar 12, 2:57pm
When we had a cat the swan plant barely survived.Now the cat is gone (she was 19 years old) and the swan plant is flourishing.So:
cat = no birds = lotsa little caterpillars.
No cat = lotsa birds = few caterpillars.
We have big caterpillars so obviously the birds do not get all the little ones. And the plant is still doing OK.

jellybean1, Mar 12, 6:40pm
I had what I assume was a hedgehog chomp through some of mine. Well the ones that had chosen a low spot to turn into crysalis vanished mysteriously anyway!

les6, Apr 13, 5:17pm
never seen a bird look sideways at one!Paper wasps and springbok mantis are a totally different scenario!