What can we do to encourage lady birds into the garden? I was weeding yesterday and saw some eating aphids on my roses and was thinking that they do more good than damage in the garden?
Dec 8, 9:25pm
Growing more plants aphis love would attract more ladybugs, eg swanplants, but guess you do not want that. lol They certainly have an appetite for aphis and devour them very fast. You could google ladybug/bird houses, you can build your own but I'm not sure how successful they would be in attracting the ladybugs. I would love to do this but am too lazy, it would be so nice to have an established colony. Good luck.
Dec 8, 9:52pm
I was delighted to find a heap of ladybirds in my glass house yesterday & they are still there . whoo hoo! My capsicums were covered in aphids, so hopefully the Ladybirds will gorge themselves.
Dec 8, 9:55pm
I wonder if the ladybird houses in our climate would be more for overwintering. I have found lots of ladybirds in old cabbage tree leaves that had dropped and curled into very long "straws".
Dec 9, 3:41am
Overseas (the States) you can order insects like ladybirds and preying mantis by mail order. Its such a shame no one has started that up here. Places like DSIR should make them available. Be fantastic for home gardeners.
Dec 9, 12:21pm
You can buy ladybird eggs and other beneficial insects, although I do not know if this company sells to the home gardener or just commercial growers. http://www.bioforce.co.nz/shop.html
Dec 9, 12:23pm
Provide more aphids for them to eat? :-)
Dec 9, 2:23pm
Thanks people, interesting seeing the replies :) Might see if I can get some of the neighbourhood kids over holidays to see if they can successfully catch some without doing any harm to them. But I will look into it further, I was surprised how many there where actually in the garden already. Have never seen so many around in one spot, and had stick insects in it last year. Puts a nice feeling in me thinking I am helping ladybirds feed.
#7 That was actually said in prior posting. You really should get outside and smell the roses :)
Dec 9, 2:24pm
Thanks had a look at the site it doesn't look like they limit themselves to just commercial growers. Very interesting really. Thanks
Dec 9, 3:32pm
Thanks for that, awesome!
Dec 9, 3:33pm
The little wax eye birds love aphids as well.
Dec 9, 4:09pm
One benefit of being spray free is the beneficial insects like ladybirds and this little creature who lived in our garden for a couple of years. We hope one day soon another one will come and take his place . https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/photoserver/full/431546319.jpg
Dec 9, 9:19pm
There are so many different types of ladybirds here in NZ. I found about 8 or so different ones on my swan plant one year and there is a yellow one which eats mildew so would be good on cucurbits, if you had enough of them. Make sure you do not kill their larvae, smallish 5 to 6mm scorpion like bugs with orange, red or yellow markings. Many people do not know these are immature ladybugs.
Dec 10, 12:25am
Interesting I sat there today watching a couple of them, I was pulling out tiny weeds and they must have amazing sensors of some sort, one rolled over and played dead and the other played dead red sit up. I sat and did nothing for a second or two and the came to life again. Might have to get swan plants for beside the roses. Always thought it might be to cold for swan plants down here. But might be worth a try :)
Jul 9, 5:58pm
Nature is wonderful and so interesting to observe and if you can introduce kids to it and get their interest then it is so much more worthwhile.
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