Clematis, any tips on pruning

anjouc, Feb 15, 5:20am
I have a 'Hagley hybrid clematis that has come off the trellis & growing in a big ball. It flowered in spring. It was here in the garden when I came & has the most beautiful, large purple blooms. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

spiritofgonzo, Feb 15, 12:12pm
There are 2 types of clematis, those that you prune back lightly, and those that you cut back to the ground every year.I suspect that yours might be the latter, but I'll leave it at that and wait for someone with more expertise to answer your question.

spiritofgonzo, Feb 15, 4:55pm
This group flowers on the current year??

spiritofgonzo, Feb 15, 4:56pm
so, cut to almost ground level at spring.

anjouc, Mar 9, 7:00am
Thank you so much I wasn't sure whether that was the right way to do it as it flowers in spring. It really looks amazing when it's in full bloom. One of the bonus's of buying an older house with an established garden is waitng to see what is in it before making it your own garden! Thanks again.