Pear trees.7 year wait for fruit?

ambo11, Jun 13, 5:48pm
We have one large pear tree and I was going to plant another. but have been told most pears take 7 years to fruit. this true?

les6, Jun 13, 5:58pm
not to my knowledge and experience?if you get a budded or grafted one from a nursery its had a year in there before you may not have a lot of fruit but thats not a good thing for a young tree anyway.We have 3 different ones and all have had fruit from the second season here.

maclad, Jun 13, 8:13pm
From memory need a pollinator

piquant, Jun 13, 10:08pm
Not necessarily. (pollinator) Which one do you have - do you know? And no -certainly don't need to wait 7 years! Not even for commercial quantity crops.
They are probably thinking about walnuts - it takes about that time to get full crops of walnuts but even they will give smaller quantities before 7 years.

ambo11, Jun 13, 10:41pm
Thanks, bought one today (Italian variety, reddish tinge, can't remember the name though, starts with M). We have a large old pear here, also don't know the name of that. supposed to be for bottling, hard/green but very, very sweet to eat straight off the tree. The one I bought says pollination not a problem in towns. Will plant it tomorrow.

venna2, Jun 13, 11:51pm
I bought a Nashi pear tree the winter before last. In its first season it gave me one pear, and last season there were too many pears to count. They were delicious and juicy.

bluefrog2, Jun 15, 2:04am
You won't have to wait 7 years, but the first year you'll get almost nothing. They also need a pollinator - so there must be another pear tree nearby, and bees. And both my pear trees seem to fruit every other year. This year I got zero pears from two trees. Bit of a bummer!

maclad, Jun 15, 2:19am
Some pears need pollinators and some do not but relying on the right pollinator growing in your neighbourhood is a bit of a long shot.

fantail8, Jun 15, 5:21am
wairere nurseries has a useful fruit pollinator list on its website under the how to section

sue72, Jun 17, 3:23am
I bought apple and pear trees from Denfelds in masterton.They sell on trade me.They are ex orchard trees.If you plant their ones ,they will fruit this summer

bluefrog2, Dec 13, 3:56pm
That's why people usually put two pear trees in. My neighbour 3 doors down has a huge pear tree, so we were both fine for fruit. But last year, I put a new pear tree in, because there were new owners on the property, and I was worried they might remove the very large, messy tree.