Fruit tree fertilizer

spencer26, Sep 10, 9:10pm
My orchard consists of four stone fruit trees and one pear. I want to give them a feed but am confused with the various fertilizers on sale. The N P K levels vary from brand to brand. I do however have a large bag of lawn and crop which is N12, P 5, and K 15. Would this be OK or would it just make the grass grow.
Any comments appreciated.

wasgonna, Sep 10, 9:38pm
Potash is for root growth and fruit development so ideal for fruit trees.

grouch, Sep 10, 10:41pm
I just bought a bag of Dynamic Lifter and they told me that was good for fruit trees. It was mentioned in the gardener Mag as one of the top fertilisers so hopefully I will get lots of fruit. I do know that potash is supposed to bump up your crop yields.

steptoesnr, Sep 11, 4:04pm
If it's 12.5.15 it is either Ravensdown's nitrophoska or Ballance's Yara mila complex either of which are as good as you could ever wish to use on your trees.

cantabman1, Sep 11, 4:07pm
Try a liquid product called Seasol; it is very good, or go to Wally's garden site.

curlybear446, Sep 11, 4:36pm
The best idea is to go to your local fish market and get a few buckets of fish scraps. Dig a deep hole, say about 2.5 feet deep, bury the fish scraps and cover with corrogated iron (stops the cats from digging).

This is what i do and the results are fantastic !

spencer26, Sep 11, 5:47pm
Thanks everyone
spencer26 for your comments and advice. Much appreciated

venna2, Sep 11, 7:47pm
Why would you bury it in a deep hole? Do you dig it up again and spread it around the fruit trees or what?

macandrosie, Sep 12, 2:01am
curlybear446 what do you do with it after that? Wouldn't it be better in a large 200 litre drum filled with water? Would a walnut tree benefit from Potash around base?

summersunnz, Sep 12, 5:32am
I'm thinking the fish is put into a hole dug beside the tree?

howgoodisit, Sep 12, 6:28am
I have a barrel with seaweed, filled with water. tip a bucket around each tree about 2x a year and they are cranking.
Just use natural free stuff. its what all the organic stuff you buy is made from anyway.
Like above you can also put fish scraps in there too but im not into the smellyness. i just put fish scraps in my main compost for the vege garden.
and above "potash". just a sprinkle of fireplace ash.

macandrosie, Sep 12, 6:15pm
Yes I have done fish guts & seaweed in big barrel, but a couple of summers ago when it was quite hot the fish liquid go pretty high & it just lingered in the air. All the family complained as I used it on the vege garden.

macandrosie, Sep 12, 6:17pm
They often suggest planting a dead lamb under a grapevine. I guess you could plant one under any tree you plant.

xs1100, Oct 2, 11:17am
just make sure if composting fish all bones are broken down. a prick from one of them can be very very nasty