Weed id, please

grannypam, Dec 29, 6:52pm
it looks like a weed we used to see on farms we worked on. it has a decent sized thorn on the stems so needs careful handling.

his nibs just told me its called Bathurst Burr.

kateley, Dec 29, 7:03pm
thanks grannypam (and his nibs) , I've googled thbathurst burr, but I don't think that's it.Leaves too narrow and shiny.

pandaeye, Dec 29, 7:07pm
Deadly nightshade!

tech_import, Dec 30, 12:02am
wandering jew!

kateley, Dec 30, 12:11am
I know deadly nightshade and wandering jew, it's neither of them, am thinking maybe wooly nightshade.
I told my sister if she wants a positive ID she'll have to leave it to have berries! I can't imagine it being allowed to stay in her potato patch that long

smoocher, Dec 30, 12:23am
The leaves are very very similar to Tweedia.
If it is Tweedia, then its a real treasure and will have lovely blue flowers soon.
There are some photos here of Tweedia foliage, but they are not very close up as the photos are about the flowers.

wheelz, Dec 30, 12:29am
It's not tweedia, the pic has WHITE flowers.

helianthus, Dec 30, 1:15am
Datura stamonium - common name Thornapple.

duce3, Dec 30, 1:54am
We had one plant a few years ago and it had a lovely flower and now to cut the story short.we have to pull it out as fast as they come up EVERYWHERE!

smoocher, Dec 30, 2:01am
Sorry, yes you are right. I missed the little flower in the photo

wheelz, Dec 30, 2:39am
Did you compare the two! Flowers and leaves quite different.

kateley, Dec 30, 2:44am
my first thought was something I thought was called jerusalem apple, which I now think is that datura (thornapple) but after a good long google I really don't think it's that.
Sister now tells me she thinks it may have come in with a load of horse manure, it that sparks an idea for anyone

wheelz, Dec 30, 2:44am
Looks like it is in the solanum family.

kateley, Dec 30, 2:46am
you can get a white flowered tweedia, but I know what that looks like and the leaves are more narrow and paler.

ruby2shoes, Jan 5, 11:17am
I'm going for black nightshade or bush lawyer. It may be growing extra large due to that horse poo.