Is it a pest? Or just bigger than most gardeners can handle.
Dec 5, 4:17am
Well it's on the' National Plant Pest Accord' which lists and describes plants considered pests throughout NZ and are banned from sale/propagation/distribution.- So I'm gonna say . yeah it's a pest plant. You still see the odd one around here on private properties but the GWRC have generally cleared most of the ones in public areas.
It is very biased of us as a species though to declare a plant a pest. Gunnera is a stunning plant in the right environment, its leaves are magnificent. But of course it could become a nuisance to us, if it grows in places we don't want it to be. The silly thing is of course, it wouldn't be here at all, if it weren't for somone importing the thing in the first place.
I just find human beings even weirder than plants sometimes. Especially seeing the biggest pest on this planet is pretty much not a plant species at all.
Dec 11, 9:19am
It looks fantastic planted around large ponds. When it was first banned some years ago, it was banned from sale, but established plantings were still OK [Mona Vale in ChCh had some wonderful plantings along the river] - things may have changed now though.
Dec 12, 11:48am
I know of some people that have these growing on their private properties And I had a couple prior to moving recently The NZ Native birds love them and know doubt drop the seeds all over the place. They do look nice like something from another plant not just another country. If we took away all imported plants that grow in NZ it would knock back many lovely things and YES many not so lovely, granted. Our heritage was full of people bring in weeds pests and 'other things' into NZ Is there a true NZ dope plant or are they to all from imports. Did the 'natives' have these prior to 'our' arrival? Just interested I know NZ growers did well at raising the THC levels over the years. But is there a NZ native plant?
Dec 12, 11:50am
lol Agree human's often the biggest pests and also can be very weird lol
Sep 2, 9:11pm
Ahh, so looks like I'm not quite as singularly nuts as I thought, lol! And in such good company!
I see on farcebook this morning we human pests have finally achieved the point where the things we have made out of concrete, metal, and plastic outweigh all living things on the planet. Well, I guess we cheated just a bit by wiping out so many of them to tip the scales in our favour.
We have terraformed our own planet.
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