We have noises in our ceilings. A brick home with concrete floor so no idea where or how they are getting in but there is definetly something there. Has been a number of weeks now so must be getting in and out, Did put rat bait in the ceiling today although did not see any sign of them up there and far more noise tonight at the opposite end of the house to where we put it and have previously heard the noises. Wondering if anyone has an idea of cost or can recommend someone. We are in Christchurch.
Jul 22, 5:05pm
leave it for a week. they are probably dragging the bait around. need to wait till they have a feed and die.
Jul 23, 4:34am
I've found it effective to screw the bait down near the manhole so I can see if it's been nibbled.
Jul 23, 4:48am
Long shot but if you are sure there is nothing in the ceiling. I had a rat stuck in a toilet vent right at the top and it was trying to knaw its way out!
Happened after heavy rain so must have got into the toilet vent with high sewer level.
If rat is still in ceiling, I have caught them in rat traps but you must anchor it near the hatch. IE screw it to a joist or chain.
Ensure there are NO overhanging trees or shrubs over the roof. that's how they get in the roof.
Jul 23, 5:55am
Believe that rats are neophobic - scared of new things - so might take a few days. Use gloves.
Jul 23, 8:44am
Yes there are trees as we back onto the railway, although we do cut them back to fence level every xmas.The bait we put in the ceiling yesterday was not secured so the noises are really bad now as they are probably moving it to store so either rats or mice are certainly in the ceiling. Rang a pest controller this morning who will come and access on Friday. Cannot get any sooner as rats are rampant in CHCH this year due to summer weather we had. Giving me the creeps just thinking of them.
Jul 23, 9:09am
Had same & saw their droppings so threw couple handfulls of broificoum rellets up there & now month later nothing . They seek water once ingested & die & shrivel up .
Jul 29, 11:05am
We had rats entering our storm water system from down by the creek, coming up the downpipes, into the giuttering and into the tiled roof. GJ Gardners build. Place leaked like a sieve as well. Rats can also knaw thru concrete and tunnel for long distances.
Oct 13, 9:13pm
They'll get in along overhead power lines as well. You can get small packet baits, so you can see if any small pellets are taken.
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