I have put out my 6 inch bean plants and the first night two had the stalk eaten in half.So I put snail bait around them.The nest night I had one more eaten.I found a dead snail but it was a long way from the destroyed plant.Any idea what pest I am dealing with here!
Oct 27, 6:54pm
You are probably on the right track, snails and they can crawl off quite a distance after eating poison.
Oct 27, 6:59pm
I had some leaf damage on a couple others that I assume is from snails but I have never had the stem eaten through without any leaf damage.I was like something just bit through it.
Oct 27, 7:00pm
Also, I use mesural bait and that usually nails them within a couple inches.
Oct 28, 4:55am
Sounds like what we used to call a 'cutworm' which is actually a ground dwelling caterpillar.Will often have its hole very close to your eaten plants.About a pencil thickness size and it will curl up only an inch or two underground, comes out at night. Caterpillar is brown and about 3 or 4 cm long.You only need a couple and they will just cut through anything nearby.Seem to like beans. I think they suck the sap out of the plants as they do not eat much.
Oct 28, 1:38pm
Ive had the same problem.the only thing I found that was a good deterrent was to hard boil some eggs, dry and crush up the shells and sprinkle around the base (not too close to the stem) of the bean. I imagine it would be the equivalent to us crawling nakies across razor sharp gravel.and they dont like it! Had to eat alot of eggs that week though lol
Oct 29, 10:05pm
I've been battling the slimy suckers and my pea's - they're munching the stalks on them too :(Sawdust around the stalk helps alot btw
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