Ceiling batten spacing question.

kaconda, Aug 10, 7:18pm
Ceiling is 35 degrees with 150mm beams at 1100mm centres. I want to fix ceiling battens (finger jointed 75x 40mm) under the beams and 10mm gib . What spacing should I fix the battens at? any advice much appreciated.

seadubya, Aug 10, 7:29pm

johotech, Aug 10, 7:46pm
400-450mm would be fine. No more than that.

Of course you are going to run the gib at right angles to the battens yes?

kaconda, Aug 10, 8:51pm
Hi Thanks for that. Yes I will run at right angle .and will back block. I have not back blocked before! Any advice? Also do I I screw the centre of the gib sheets or glue.? cheers

zak410, Aug 10, 9:03pm
cove adhesive 90 is better than 45 for back-blocking, gives you more time. Yes for a central screw, with 2 blobs glue each side on the batten; If you use Ultraline I think you can space the battens to more than 400mm, check the Gib site-guide online.

johotech, Aug 10, 9:07pm
You don't need to back block edge joints, just normal tape and stopping, and you shouldn't have any end joints if you get the correct length sheets.

zak410, Aug 10, 9:54pm
you do have to back-block edges of Gib above a certain number of sheets.

stevo2, Aug 11, 3:32am
May I ask why you are using only 10mm gib with battens at 400mm cts?
Its cheaper and a better job to use 13mm gib and battens at 600mm cts.
Back block using cove adhesive.
Blob of glue at 300 and 900mm and a screw at 600mm.

hammer23, Aug 11, 7:34am
go for 13mm,you only do it once so don't skimp on the cost. 13mm being thicker dosn't follow every bump and hollow of the battens.

survivalkiwi, Oct 29, 10:59am
Why do so many people ask questions on here about gib?
They have so much literature about there product available from all building merchants. Also I presume it would be on their web page.