I have recently had a walk-in shower built into my bathroom. The whole room is tiled. I am puzzled why the grout between the tiles changes colour (darkens) when it gets wet. I assume this is because the grout is absorbing water and not repelling it. Could it be that the tiler has not used the correct grout for a wet area or does waterproof grout darken when wet?
May 5, 5:28pm
there are different types of grout, epoxy grout wont absorb water, cement based grout will, it can be sealed but still isnt waterproof, you could grout with cheese because all the grout is doing is filling the gap in the tiles, in a wet area its the waterproofing thats doing all the work, tiles and grout are just decoration
May 5, 5:45pm
Thank you. You have put my mind at rest. In the next bathroom that I renovate I will try using cheese. Do you recommend Colby or Edam? I am relieved that there is good waterproofing underneath the tiles. We used an old scout tent that we found at the recycle centre. It even came with an akela.
May 5, 7:35pm
Ask your tiler. Only they will know if the correct cheese has been used.
May 5, 7:57pm
I was reluctant to ask him until I had made enquiries with my friends on TM because he is a rather prickly character and I didn't like to suggest that he has used the wrong sort of grout until I was sure of my facts. I know I shouldn't be scared of my tiler - but I am!
May 5, 8:02pm
Of course he will have used the correct grout.
Maybe better to nicely ask his opinion about whether a grout sealer would be a good idea then.
May 5, 8:07pm
Cheese will grow mould really well, not to mention fall out quite easily.
If there isn't an issue with the grout, then don't worry about it.
May 5, 8:54pm
Just do not use Roquefort cheese - tends to be a bit holey :)
Yes - there are clear sealer's for cement grout.
May 6, 3:42am
you dont necessarily need to use cheese, you could use butter or squeeze marsh mellows in there, there is nothing wron with cement based grout but epoxy is better but tell your tiler you want epoxy when he is pricing the job as its a dearer product and takes longer to apply
May 6, 3:34pm
Thanks again Cagivachick. Have you seen the price of butter? I think it would work out more expensive than epoxy grout. Marsh mallows? Now that's an interesting idea. The big question is - pink or white?
Jan 16, 6:48am
love your reply.
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