Cracks around ceiling coving

jess_z, Jun 25, 3:45am
Hi All, have noticed cracks appearing of late between the coving and the ceiling. Talked to a friend and they said to grab some gap sealant from bunnings and fill the gaps. Did some quick internet browsing and they were suggesting using silicone as opposed to the acrylic gap filler that they sell in bunnings. could anyone clarify this or provide any insight? House was made in the 50s with predominately rimu wood.

cagivachick1, Jun 25, 4:09am
whatever you use it has to be paintable

jess_z, Jun 25, 4:13am
good tip thanks for that cagivachick1 :)

zak410, Jun 25, 4:20am
Use a 'NoMoreGap' type product, it will be paintable and much easier to use, don??

hammer23, Dec 7, 10:07am
Silicone ! Do you live in a leaky house ? I can't think of any thing dumber to use as a filler. No More Gaps or a bit of plaster filler is the way to go.