Strawberry tree

lakeview3, Jan 1, 6:23pm
adorable! Part Clydey?

My one is ‘that’ type. into everything. like a kea, nothing is safe, not even your windscreen wipers!

26copper, Jan 17, 4:47am
Good on your horse! lol

I remember them being sour and "don't" touch, when I was a kid.

Proper strawberries the way to go!

Thanks all

harrislucinda, Jan 17, 4:52am
any fruit that you see a bird eating is ok to eat something i have been told since i was younger

26copper, Dec 31, 2:57am
Can you eat the fruit from these trees? Thanks.

jmma, Dec 31, 3:00am

lakeview3, Dec 31, 3:13am
One of the horses in our paddock eats them! He’s 25 and he does it every year!

articferrit, Dec 31, 4:39am
You can apparently make jam from them, but I havent.

wheelz, Dec 31, 9:36am
Or there's this tree. which is more likely the one grown in NZ

perfectimages, Dec 31, 10:02am
26copper wrote:
Can you eat the fruit from these trees? Thanks.[/quote

As a child our next door neighbour had one and we all used to eat the fruit even though it was a bit bitter. Birds love them.

apollo11, Dec 31, 12:54pm
"while overripe fruit ferments on the branch and can cause mild intoxication"
Your horse is an alcoholic.

oh_hunnihunni, Dec 31, 12:59pm
They need a lot of extras to make palatable. Real strawberries are nicer.

lakeview3, Dec 31, 3:52pm
lol wouldn’t surprise me! He can be a little rat at times. but he’s retired now, he can do whatever he wants! He’s certainly earned it. He probably weighs about 400kg so he would need quite a few I imagine! My horse is a thistle nut. He will eat them till he’s frothing st the mouth. It’s quite funny watching him pick each one off.

apollo11, Oct 16, 10:51am