Strawberry Tower

dolphin9, Oct 22, 5:45pm
I'm making a tower to grow strawberries in. Online it says to line container with sacking, as I don't have any, would a black plastic rubbish bag be alright to line it with?

lythande1, Oct 23, 8:13am
Why? The sites I just googled don't say anything about lining at all, one says put gravel or similar in bottom to help with drainage.

dolphin9, Oct 23, 8:18am
It's made in a laundry basket, like this

veejay13, Mar 1, 3:13am
I've got black polythene on the ground under my strawberries - I believe that's quite common, so I don't see why you can't use a black plastic rubbish bag. I'd cut the bottom out, though, otherwise you won't get any drainage and the plants will end up sitting in mud.

In the video I thought she had far too much jammed into that container. just my opinion though.