I tried to grow strawberries in terracotta pots this summer but had no fruit at all. Are you not supposed to plant strawberries in pots!
Mar 23, 2:01pm
I have a number of strawberry plants in large pots and had plenty of fruit. They are still fruiting. Sorry, I'm a novice so don't know what I did right. I did use strawberry mix for some but found the ones planted in ordinary potting mix did better.
Mar 23, 4:16pm
We usually have a good crop of strawberry's, planted in potting mix in large pots they sit along the drive concrete fence and do well. Took heaps of water in the dry conditions this year, always plant new plants every season from the garden centre, tried just doing the runners etc, they don't seemto want to fruit like the new plants.
Mar 24, 11:29pm
large black polthene bags are the best way to grow strawberries, but you must water often and add a little sufphate of potash and dolomite lime. If you can find a big black tray to put them in,all the better.
Apr 27, 6:41pm
Yes you can grow strawberries in pots, your plants may have been too young to fruit.
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