Strawberry plant question

peppastar, Feb 21, 12:44am
Do you cut the runners off and plant them now for next summer! or do i do that later in the year!

Also i got bugger all of my strawberry plants this year and they are a couple of years old. So should i even bother with the runners or just bin them and get new plants next year!

lythande1, Feb 21, 11:56am
Strawberries have a 3 yr cycle.
Year 1, getting going, not bad. Year 2, loads of them. Year 3, plants die off and yield drops.
Refresh some every 2nd year and you will continue to have heaps.

cantabman1, Feb 21, 1:28pm
Strawberries reproduce three ways.
1. The plants devide. 2. The plants send out runners, the first 2 or 3 are much stronger to replant than subsequent runners. 3 The strawberry itself when dried has seeds, which could be germinated if you could be bothered.
Some years ago from a base stock of 10 plants, I grew well over 400 plants. These were from the stronger runners, and deviding the plants up each year.
PS: To grow the best and sweetest strawberries with a lot of fruit, all you have to do is feed them regularly with a little Sulphate of Pot Ash, and nothing else, except maybe some dolimite lime.

macandrosie, Feb 22, 1:37am
They should lastlonger than 3 years. They would be barely coming to their peek by then Also, you always take the baby plants closest to the parent plant as they are supposed to be the highest yielders. If your plants are not producing maybe you should look at starting again. I'm just looking at mine & you usually get a light crop of fruit in February. I notice some of mine are not fruiting at all but some have plenty of flowers. So i'm going to get some runners off them. Now is a good time Pot them up. I also place a little gravel around the plant as sometimes they they don't have alot of roots & it helps the plant take root with the extra weight. Ifyou can then get them palnted into the strawberry patch by Juneit gives them a good chance to get established by the spring. Tey like a good feed of blood & bone throughout the growing season & they do need to be kept watered to help the fruit swell & ripen.

kindee, Feb 22, 3:35pm
I appreciate all the adive mentioned here for my strawbs too. Thanks everyone!

peppastar, Feb 23, 12:54am
Awesome thanks everyone. In the end ive ditched them. Have a feeling they are over 4 years and i got bugger all strawberries this year so ill buy new ones later in the year :)

southerngurl, Feb 23, 12:56am
My strawberries are in a vertical planter, do I just let them die off or take them out at some stage put in new soil or hiff! this would be their second season

guest, Oct 10, 1:16am
Each seed will make on plant. Not all seeds grow though, so plant more seeds than you need. When you plant your seeds, fololw the directions on the package. It will tell you how much dirt to put on top, how far to space each plant, and how long it will take for the seed to start growing. Water your plants whenever the soil feels dry. You don't want to over-water them so just make sure the soil is always damp.The best planters to start seeds are small styrofoam cups. Poke a little hole in the bottom to let the extra water out. Put that cup inside another one, without a hole, to catch th ewater so it doesn't make a mess. Good luck on your planting and on your project!

guest, Oct 11, 3:43am
A pack of seeds will have a number of seeds in it, could be 25 or more. You sholud put 2 or 3 seeds in each pot to make sure you get one to germinate. You will have to water the plant once a day before it sprouts to keep the soil moist. After it sprouts, you will water as needed, maybe once a day, maybe every other day. The soil sholud not be soggy but sholud not be allowed to completely dry out. Good luck.

guest, May 31, 7:54am
You may buy some bathing podwer for hamsters in pet shops, and have a "sand" bath for them per week, so that they would keep themselves clean.For hamsters, ???? is a kind of common habit, but should not be too often. Keep bath per few days (approx. 2 times a week) should improve this situation.Hamsters should not be put together more then 2 per cage. No unisex accommodation coz female hamster could be extremely aggressive to male hamsters. Take the hamsters to pet shops to confirm their genre and you would make a better decision.