Some time ago I read a thread on here from someone whose back yard backed onto a public reserve. They were having problems with random people (generally kids) trying to climb over their fence and generally being a PITA. I have a similar situation now and can't find the thread as there were some very good suggestions for shrubs, plus an extremely thorny climbing rose that sounded just what I need. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free. I have tried to Google but the rose nurseries don't really describe the thorns in their catalogues. The more vicious the better preferably lol.
what about a bouginvillia has thorns but less maintenance, we used to live where the neighbours kids would sit on top of the fence and throw tings, a bouganvilla worked
Oct 18, 12:45pm
Albertine is pretty brutal if my memory serves me correctly.
Thank you everyone. I will have a look at these. Sick of other people's feral little snots lol.
Oct 18, 1:46pm
Wedding Day, I got one from the warehouse last year and its vicious !
Oct 18, 1:53pm
Thank you:) I'll have a look at that. It's going to be some sort of rose, the bougainvillea someone else suggested looks lovely but I doubt if it would survive here in Dunedin, a bit too chilly at times lol.
Oct 18, 1:57pm
wedding day has been known to take over buildings! I had it in Auckland on my front fence. very handy in a rough area. lol
Oct 18, 2:10pm
Alberic Barbier and Rosa laevigata ( AKA the Cherokee rose) are beautiful, thorny and fast growing. The former repeat flowers too.
Oct 18, 2:32pm
Pyracantha as a fast growing rose alternative? the bonus is it has berries for the birds all winter.
Oct 18, 2:46pm
Absolutely. And it goes for miles. Superb rose.
Oct 18, 4:17pm
Thanks everyone. I'm tossing up between Alberic Barbier, Albertine and Wedding Day. Mermaid and rosa Laveagata seem to be out of stock online unfortunately. I'll have a look in the local garden centres tomorrow and see what I can find.
Oct 18, 4:36pm
Carpet rose, they spread out about metre and half, not quite so high, and have vicious tiny thorns, if ferals ever got over, they won't stay long. But they are a menace to prune or mow near. And do not throw prunings on intended burning pile in paddock where sheep will prior graze, this will result in some interesting language from a shearer, as my friend discovered.
Oct 18, 4:48pm
Lol @ the shearer. Thanks for the tip, but I need it to go to the top of a fence and then I need man sized thorns for the feral children lol
Oct 18, 5:59pm
Definitelty Mermaid, it is a very beautiful but vicious rose and will stop "other people's feral little snots" in their tracks once it gets establised.
The flowers are a lovely yellow and large and it has lovely glossy green leaves, with thorns hiding everywhere.
You need to be very careful if you decide to prune it.
Oct 19, 1:05am
Albertine, while very lovely, does not repeat flower. I wouldn't say my one is particularly thorny or fast growing either!
Oct 19, 2:34am
You may need to order Mermaid in through your local garden centre. Because it is such a good grower it is unsuited to many modern gardens and is therefore no longer stocked by the usual sources. Your garden centre though can get it in from a heritage rose supplier.
Oct 19, 3:28am
Nastier than that is Bougainvillea. That has really long spikes!
Oct 19, 4:09am
Thanks for that, I'll have a talk to them. It sounds ideal.
Oct 19, 4:10am
Thanks lythande1, but I live in Dunedin so I don't think it would survive the frosts, or the snow we had last week!
Oct 19, 4:17am
We have a small kaffir lime tree, Its covered in long lethal thorns.
Oct 19, 4:19am
If you want repeat flowering, my souvenir de madame Leonie viennot is gorgeous. Still has thorns but not as many as some of the others.
Oct 19, 4:20am
Thats why I suggested the pyracantha, its also called fire thorn.
Oct 19, 4:23am
Thanks lakeview, but I need a decent quantity of vicious thorns lol, preferably large! I would love repeat flowering, but the feral deterrent is more important.
Oct 19, 4:26am
I'll have a look at that too, appreciate all the suggestions. I'll have to research the berries though, my elderly half blind Jack Russell hoovers up everything in his path , his nose and appetite for foraging and gobbling anything in his path are still working even if the rest of him is falling to bits lol.
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