Not too fancy as we only have about three coffees a day each. Getting sick of instant coffee. TIA
Dec 9, 7:04am
I got a machine free with 3 packs of coffee! The only problem is that it is not Nespresso compatible. Espressotoria system - Capino machine.
Thought the deal was too good to be true (supermarket promotion) and worked out very quickly that for another $30, I'd get another 36 coffees and another machine - and a $10 discount off the first online coffee purchase - with no courier or delivery fee. So $40 worth of coffee (48 coffees) and a machine for $30.
Basic machine, with no milk frother, so 30 seconds in the microwave with the milk in a prewarmed mug before putting under the machine and a cracking good cup of coffee. Never regretted the purchase. I put a mug under it and hit the button twice and it is still a very tasty coffe and strong enough.
Had it a year now and tried several different packs. If it craps out tomorrow, I still have a spare machine!
Dec 9, 11:06am
I have caffitaly which has a good range easily available. Strength of coffee runs from barely there, to burn your brains out. Also had a capodicino few years back which was good until the pump died - took about a year. Those nescafe dolce machines from the warehouse look small enough to not get in the way of a 3-a-day habit.
Dec 10, 6:00am
Nespresso all the way here. Although, we do have a cheapie in the Caravan that dare I say it makes darn good coffee. Just one from the good old warehouse. You just have to make sure whatever you get has freely available pods, not just that brand of machine type ones. We use the Robert Harris ones out in the caravan. Like anything else, you get what you pay for. If you buy a cheapie, it probably won't last, if you get a good one like Nespresso, it will last. Had ours since they first came out and no problems at all.
Dec 10, 6:36am
We got a Nespresso Lattisima Touch, and it's fantastic. The Nespresso pods really are excellent.
Dec 10, 7:16am
Have had a basic Delongi for a couple of years. Have never used the milk heater / frothing part as I only drink black coffee. It's been perfect and much cheaper than a Nespresso. There are several online suppliers of capsules, again much cheaper than original Nespresso ones
Dec 11, 3:36am
YUK! Did you know that the little capsules cannot breakdown and remain in the landfill, try a plunger.
Dec 11, 4:06am
Any ground coffee has a tasty life of about 20 minutes, podded or not.
Dec 13, 3:17pm
We use a Dolce Gusto machine with a Caffitaly milk frother, cheap and makes as good a coffee as our fancy brevill cafe machine, but with using the Caffitaly milk frother an awful lot simpler.
My thoughts exactly. Just buy a plunger and ground coffee. Best coffee ever and the cheapest as well. Also no plastic to add to a large environmental problem
Dec 14, 4:49pm
Every pod coffee including the strongest Nespresso all make weak pathetic coffee. I'll stick with my Breville BES870 espresso machine.
Jan 27, 3:07pm
I use Jed's #5 in my pod machine, they had box of 10 for $4.99 at NW today. Certainly makes a strong cup of coffee. These work well in our Breville machine.
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