Building own home

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mcgolly, Feb 28, 8:10pm
This would go a long way to fixing our housing shortage.
I can't believe GOvt hasn't considered it. building materials are ridiculous cost in NZ

shanreagh, Feb 28, 8:58pm
Do you know if they had simple house plans as well. you know something that did not have ensuites for every bedroom, media rooms etc.

Sorry showing my prejudices about the expectations of some first-home owners I have come across. No such idea as moving up to a better house ie more bedrooms/bathrooms (and perhaps a media room?) when circumstances allowed.

cbbuilder, Mar 1, 6:11pm
The Simple House Acceptable Solution was revoked, so if you were to use it, it would be considered an Alternative solution and it would at the councils discretion as to it complying

zak410, Aug 13, 11:54pm
Yes and some in Auckland too. Tradesmen came along with the kitsets from Austria, to assemble them. Few of them stayed and resettled here.

Those houses were/are as strong as a wooden house can be imo.