Lpg weed eater

fran142, Dec 13, 8:08pm
Has anyone used these and if so what do you think of them ?

mojo49, Dec 13, 9:09pm
Are you talking about one that burns the tops off weeds?

docsportello, Dec 14, 7:07am
Rob Muldoon’s legacy lives on.

fran142, Dec 14, 2:29pm
Hunkin is brand name I think yes it does burn the weeds.

regy_2005, Dec 15, 10:09am
Be carefull with those things the country is tinder dry,have you seen the fires in California

exwesty, Dec 17, 5:46pm
Better than using a razor for the legs.

bill1451, Jan 26, 11:58am
apparently these will deal to really small weeds, before they get to adult stage, BUT with larger weeds it is no different to cutting the top of with a grubber,
deep rooted weeds like cally thistles and dandelions will just keep on keeping on, Plus as poster 5 says, good way to start a fire, especially if you are rural, and surrounded by dried grass.Buy a can of roundup.