Q? Pls re Apricots.ripening off tree a wee bit?

hhb, Dec 21, 7:16pm
I have a stunning very old apricot tree with THE most devine apricots, every year it is a battle between me and the ^%@#$ birds to get them.they seem to know exactly whewn they are just ripening.ie in the last two days wutht he hot sun we have had.is it feasible to pick them all and put in sun, with the hope that they finish ripening.they are all just at that "nearly ripe" stage, ie you can eat them but you may get a side that is still a bit green ish. Apart from for eating I wish to make jam and stew them, so figured if they not 100% ripe for this purpose they would be ok. The birds decimate them and it's a big tree to net. Birds so cunning to.

lemming2, Dec 22, 12:24am
A wee bit greenish for jam and bottling is fine.

annies3, Dec 22, 4:15am
Yes sounds like yours are ready for picking, if one side is ripe enough to enjoy eating the other side will ripen nicely off the tree. I picked ours way too soon last year and this year the frost got most of them.

ruby2shoes, Dec 22, 5:11am
net the part of the tree you can get to, and leave the rest for the birds!Or hang shiny crappy cd's up and save the lot for yourself.That should give me time to get over there and help you eat them!

hhb, Dec 25, 2:58pm
lol ! They do taste like apricots should.full of flavour and sweet, even better than the commercial grown ones I had down in Central Otago, apricot capital of NZ, a few years ago. Really yummy very old tree. I will throwsome old net curtain up to branches that I can reach and carry on with myanti bird bell rattling/hosing/banging regime!