How much to fell and remove cabbage tree?

barrie2, Mar 12, 10:41pm
Hi - please can anyone give an idea of cost to cut down and take away a 7 branch cabbage tree, highest point 20 feet, trunk 12 feet. Edge of section next to road so easy access. Thanks for replies.

annies3, Mar 12, 10:48pm
Sad to be doing that ! a tree of that size will be very very old,
each to their own I suppose, lots of people don't like the leaves they drop, but they make great fire starters when bundled together.
Sorry I wouldn't know how much as we always do our own felling and cleaning up. just had to comment.

lythande1, Mar 13, 1:37pm
No idea but neighbour had some tree guys come trim a Eucalyptus. about same height. just the overhanging branches on his side. That cost $700 about 3 years ago.

cantabman1, Mar 13, 2:03pm
In the hundreds all right.Can you find a mate with a chain saw and drop it yourself. Also be aware that I think that they are all protected because of a disease that is slowly killing them all off.Better check with your council first.

pauldw, Mar 13, 3:10pm
Not protected on the ECAN site. Older trees are more susceptible to disease. If you want cabbage trees keep planting replacements.

cleggyboy, Mar 13, 3:20pm
Cabbage trees are definitely NOT protected. Be glad when the four I have' get riddled with disease.

bluefrog2, Mar 13, 5:33pm
A healthy tree will regrow from the stump. I used to chop mine down every few years when it got too tall, once a new stalk had sprouted from the roots.
That particular tree was removed in a landscaping project, but I'll be doing the same thing with the new cabbage trees replanted out front.
Conversely, if you want your tree gone for good, remember to poison the stump.

comadi, Mar 6, 11:18am
I'd give you a free quote Barrie, but the rules say I can't give personal details :-/