Blackboy Peach tree

may321, Mar 8, 11:03am
Hi. My Blackboy Peach tree which is still quite small and not fruiting yet has developed dried up leaves on some of the branches. leaves have holes in them. Does anyone know why this is. or what I can do to get it healthy again. thanks.

samanya, Mar 8, 4:24pm
My plum tree has done the same as well as some other decorative shrubs & I'm wondering if they could be sun burned?

may321, Mar 8, 10:27pm
Maybe thats it. i noticed that the lemon tree near it is a bit like it too.

summersunnz, Mar 11, 11:43pm
Peach trees are starting to have their leaves change as they die off for winter - my trees leaves are hanging, rather than more upright, edges are drying, changes in colour. soon they'll be falling. :-)

serendipity55, Dec 9, 10:43pm
google shothole disease,give it a bit of copper as the leaves fall,when they have fallen.and again before they come out in spring,before!