What cleaning products for lacquered kitchen.

atlantis3, Jan 16, 10:44pm
What products are recommended to clean lacquered kitchen cabinetry?

trade4us2, Jan 16, 10:59pm
Well nothing abrasive, i.e. no Jif or Ajax etc.
Yes it might clean it and then wreck it for ever.

rednicnz, Jan 17, 8:50am
A damp microfibre cloth should get most stuff off.

articferrit, Jan 17, 4:21pm
cheap baby wipes

atlantis3, Jan 17, 8:52pm
Are car products that are used on the car paint Ok to use?

omamari, Jan 18, 12:08pm
We've had ours for 8 years, use dish washing liquid detergent or any of the spray on cleaners.Still looks like new

tourer100, Jan 18, 6:16pm
Yep, just a cotton cloth that’s wet, and another cotton cloth to dry and polish, no cleaners needed most of the time.

supernova2, Jan 18, 11:58pm
It's likely that the paint used will be a very close relative to modern car paints so it's pretty tough stuff. In general a damp cloth should take care of anything however a bit of dishwash should be fine. just make sure you rinse - well wipe with a clean damp cloth after then dry.

ceebee2, Jan 8, 10:06am
Used to clean ours with malt vinegar (Also repels flies from landing on it)