Kitchen sink bench-stainless or ?

midget8, Sep 6, 1:14am
Am doing a new kitchen and trying to find a stainless sink with bench-our old one I recall had "Princess" sticker on it-got through whatever entity preceded Bunnings. Was flat steel on the dirty dish-right side,then the sink,then a smaller square sink with a stainless colander type piece to sit in there-also had a wooden inset for the smaller sink-breadboard etc,and fluted stainless on the left side for drainage.
I can not find anything like that-online or visiting stores. A Burns and Ferral is the only option it appears for plain both sides or fluted both sides.
And I am told today that stainless is more expensive than granite. It appears that is so because they have to specially made if "out of the norm". Admittedly, the one from-that's right-Benchmark,was off the shelf,but the best to work on.
What can you experts recommend-if I do the sink bench granite then the rest will have to be too-or can you match laminate with the granite? Darn-has made my work on this a bit more difficult. Opinions and help please.

mybooks, Sep 6, 2:53am
Could you have the surface of your old one refinished - we got one done about 11 years ago, came up looking like new, a few hundred dollars from memory - we went to a metal fabricating place.

lissie, Sep 6, 9:33pm
Who told you granite was more expensive that SS ? That's just wrong. We've just ordered a new kitchen stainless on the bench with the sink and stove - formica on the other bench (it's a galley they don't connect)). What makes SS expensive is going around corners - so it totally depends on your kitchen design. I designed our kitchen so there was a straight length of bench on the sink side so I could have a SS bench with an under-mounted sink. Our kitchen manufacturer said they could undermount almost any sink. All bench tops are "specially made" unless you are just getting a length of formica from mitre 10.

BTW when we priced Bunnings v.s a bespoke kitchen place - the kitchen place was quite a lot cheaper

lythande1, Sep 6, 9:44pm
I love stainless steel benches. So easy to clean and no chips and scratches.
Pity it is no longer trendy. could try looking for second hand if new cost is too much.

lissie, Sep 6, 11:35pm
Yes they are trendy see your local kitchen show room! There are all different finishes which are cool - but out of our price range. Anyway you don't design a kitchen based on trends.

midget8, Sep 7, 1:00am
Hi all-thanks for your input.I,too,prefer s/steel for dishes and general everyday stuff in the "hard work"part of the kitchen.I live on my own and although I will make a space for a dishwasher,at this stage I won't be getting one-space,plumbing and electrics will be set up,with a pull out unit tucked in the space.So with daily doing dishes I want a lasting surface.I assume the guy at the place I went to was referring to the sink bench area only-but I don't think I could afford all granite benches for the rest of the area.Not a huge kitchen, but have done other renovations as well so am starting to watch the pennies. Want laminate bench tops for the rest-would probably look stupid with granite as the sink area. My existing 1825 length s/steel bench is good-but too narrow for today's common depth under cabinets. Maybe i'll talk to a couple of local engineering places that do s/steel,and see what they come up with.
Just to explain a bit more-my 69.2 sq metre cottage is an ex Marsden Point workers house-built late 60's,early 70's,and I sort of want to keep some semblance of its age.And is on 8 acres in the country.I'm not rushing into the kitchen design and materials as I want to get it right.
But stainless dish wash area it will be. I think?

lissie, Sep 7, 3:29pm
If you live by yourself - consider getting a single dishdrawer dish washer. We are a couple and I'm counting the days until I can get my double dishdrawer installed (had one before in another house, had a conventional d/washer for the last few years, had nothing for hte last 9 months).

I can't believe how dirty the plates and glasses are now after 9 months of hand washing - I used to think a dishwasher was a luxury - but now I think it's essential!

AS a couple we find the double dishdrawer perfect - we run a draw every couple of days. If Iwas solo a single one would do - plus you have space for a pot drawer underneath.

There are heaps of second hand benches which are 600mm deep on TM - if you live in Wgtn, you can have ours for free in a few weeks!

taurus2005, Sep 9, 12:42am
Love mine too, don't care that it's not trendy.

tessnjess, Sep 9, 6:34pm
Who cares about trendy? It'll last a year until some other fad emerges. Go with what YOU like - it usually works better too.

midget8, Sep 10, 2:08am
Thanks for the offer but I'm in Northland so impractical I think.
I've been to see an engineering place in town and have seen a bench that they made-beautiful,but wrong measurements. They will give me a quote for a stainless bench,and there is another guy that does heaps of stainless work,so will see him too.
I know it will cost a bomb,but will cost it out against s/steel and laminate for other benches,and the other option of ALL granite benches for the whole kitchen.Eek-could be bank breaking?
Still not sure a dishwasher is essential,but will certainly make space for one.

gpma, Sep 14, 1:29am
Polished Stainless steel should not be more expensive than Granite, just be aware that if the bench cannot be made in on piece , ie if it needs a site weld to get through a doorway this makes the top more expensive, a huge selection of Bowls and drainers can be welded into the top. Stainless tops are not outdated and many go into high range Kitchens. Polished Stainless will scratch however this just adds to an aged patina. Stainless tops can also come in a linen and embossed finishes, which are more expensive. Stainless is a great choice, easy to look after and fantastic if you are a pastry maker.

cleggyboy, Oct 1, 8:58pm
I go St/St every time, but I might be a bit bias due to working with nothing else but St/St for 9 years.