Slow draining bathroom sink

pato1, Nov 2, 12:31am
Tried a plunger without much success. I am physically unable to get underneath to remove the pipes to clean them out, and it seems a pretty small job for a plumber. Are these liquids advertised of any use for this purpose please?.

pericles, Nov 2, 12:47am
try mixing baking soda and water, pouring down the drain

russ18, Nov 2, 12:49am

zak410, Nov 2, 1:18am
If you have a vacuum cleaner with a 'blow' function, hold the tube as tight as you can to the plug hole and blow it clean;

you may have to make a sort of washer to have no gap on the sides.

johotech, Nov 2, 1:30am
If there's a possibility that it might be full of hair, a wire coat hanger cut off and bent with pliers to a hook on the end, might be able to get most of it out from the top.

pato1, Nov 2, 1:30am
Thanks for the tips. Gives me something to try.

lythande1, Nov 2, 1:36am
Draino and those don't work.
Get some tweezers and pull the hair and sludge out that way, if you have a straight type sink pipe, be aware that instead of the usual trap they have a thing like a piping back up near the plug hole, and that is excellent for collecting crap and blocking the water from draining properly.

pato1, Nov 2, 1:42am
Thanks. Not very good comments about Draino either. Not a straight pipe it looks like "S" type pipe. I can't see any sludge to pull out. Guess I may have to get a Plumber.

jonners2013, Nov 2, 1:44am
draino has worked really well for me in the past. perhaps it depends on what the blockage is?

for the cost of a tub of draino, i'd certainly give it a go.

biddy6, Nov 2, 2:40am
Heres a tip, get a length of curtain wire, (the type you use for net curtains), and stretch the wire at one end, to make a bit of a hook. push this down the plug hole and twist and then pull out, makes a great hair grabber thingy.

rdeans, Nov 2, 4:13am
Also baking soda (large amount) put down the hole then pour vinegar down. It will bubble up and may dislodge some of the blockage. Good Luck

patsy3, Nov 2, 4:30am
Or go to the 'dollar store' and you can usually buy a plumbers wire. (high tensile coil of flat wire that will go around the bend) and as above ^^^

happychappy50, Nov 2, 5:06am
Just remove the "p" trap under the vanity,make sure you have a bucket to empty the water into & the crap,in all probability it is long hair that has attached itself,clear it manually & put back together,if you are unable to perform this just get a handyman in,certainly would'nt be paying $85 + p/h for a plumber

pato1, Aug 12, 8:13am
Thanks to you all for your help and suggestions. I am sure I will be able to sort it out tomorrow.