I am looking to putting a kitchen sink bench down the bottom of my garden To obtain water and also wash small pet pots etc that I use down there. The kitchen sink will have a normal kitchen tap. I am unable to connect to mains water. What fitting if any can I use to connect a hose to a standard kitchen sink tap? Thank you.
Jul 16, 6:50am
I'm going to follow this, as that's what I'm planning too. I'm going to put it behind my glasshouse.
Jul 16, 6:50am
check to see if the tap has a male or female fitting on it and go from there
Jul 16, 8:06am
Have you considered a storage tank for rainwater as a supply?
Jul 16, 9:39am
This is often done by people who do a lot of fishing, for cleaning/preparing fish. Usually fitted to the back wall of garage/garden shed. Just connect fitted tap to your garden hose or position Kitchen sink/bench close to guttering and place a barrel or simiilar on a couple of cinder blocks underneath to give storage/sufficient height for water pressure. I have seen this setup used with a stainless sink/bench top fin numerous situations. you will need to get a sufficient sized bucket under outlet to collect used water.
Jul 16, 9:50am
for my one, standard hose fittings screwed straight on to tap stub.
Jul 16, 12:14pm
If there was going to be sufficient water waste to make it worth while, I'd fit a grommet at the bottom of the holding tank/bucket, and attach a hose from there to feed ( with a few holes in it at the appropriate place) onto a garden if there is one handy
Jul 16, 12:45pm
there are garden 13mm adaptors to whatever size your sink tap is, so possible to do. I have been aiming to do that for years. just got the sink need to get frame etc. good luck Agri stores often have the necessary fittings, it might pay to take the tap in with you incase its the old imperial sort
Oct 20, 5:04am
use my old bench as potting up etc; catch rainfall in tub underneath and use in watering can for veges and glasshouse; Need to catch as much rainwater as you can if house water is chlorinated( this will kill worms in soil)
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